Entries by Daria Belostotckaia (Belostotskaya)
(6 entries)
Towards an age-friendly world
There are many ways to improve old age and make it a comfortable period of life, but hardly anything would be possible to achieve without an age-friendly environment. The problem of redesigning urb...
What I’ve learnt about ageing from my grandparents
As I’m very close to finishing my PhD, I often think about my grandparents because they are the reason why I got here in the first place. They are both 83, both still working. Which is very u...
“I can’t remember what I’ve seen today. I can’t really remember where I was and what was happening. It’s really hard to keep things together. Sometimes I’m losin...
What about art?
I have always believed in art; it is the unique place which provides an opportunity for everyone, independent of background, colour, ideology, religion, age or physical condition to be more connect...
How to change the world!
How to change the world! The bold and challenging title of a conference held recently in London, organized by the How to: Academy in collaboration with the University of Oxford’s Oxford Marti...
Is there my beginning in my end? Reflections on generating intergenerational interaction in India
Currently there are more than 30 million orphans estimated in India. Only about 2,500 were adopted last year, down from 5,700 four years ago (