Questioning the Drive to Scale up for Growth
Unless you’ve been hiding in a cave, you won’t have failed to clock the core mission of the UK Government. It has been shouted from the rooftops: growth, growth, growth all the way. Wit...
The Challenges of Caregiving in Immigrant Families
Caregiving has always been a cornerstone of family life as an act of love, responsibility, and, often, sheer necessity. But for immigrant families, caregiving often comes with a unique set of chall...
Belonging in Our Second Fifty Years: Ageing Asians in Auckland, New Zealand
The second fifty years. The wise, wonderful, years – these years are a privilege because they allow us to enhance the warp and weft of life. Age must be turned upside down to provoke thinking...
Understanding the Psychological Well-being of Informal Carers
In societies with ageing populations and very limited government budgets for the social and health care, informal carers shoulder great responsibilities, providing large amounts of unpaid care to f...
Understanding the Unmet Health and Social Care Needs of Older Adults in the World Health Organization (WHO) Eastern Mediterranean Region (EMR)
Population ageing is reshaping societies worldwide, and the EMR is no exception. With longer life expectancies and declining birth rates, this region's proportion of older adults is growing rap...
The Concept of CASP Domains (Control, Autonomy, Self-Realization Pleasure), a ‘Measure to Assess the Quality of Life in Older Adults’ in Pakistan
Introduction This research commentary is based on my two studies. The first assessed the quality of life of older adults from diverse socioeconomic backgrounds in Karachi, Pakistan using CASP (c...
Provision of Care and the Sandwich Generation
As a new parent with aging parents of my own, the realities and complexities of the so-called ‘sandwich generation’ hit close to home. The sandwich generation is a real and growing phen...
Rewriting Retirement: How Sweden’s 1998 Pension Reform Transformed the Future of Work
As populations worldwide grow older, the sustainability of pension systems has become a crucial issue. Pension reforms that aim to encourage later retirement can be financially and socially advanta...
Have the Tables Turned? Early-Onset Dementia and What it Would Mean for Us All
The World Alzheimer Report 2024 was released by Alzheimer’s Disease International (ADI) on September 20th (Alzheimer’s Disease International 2024). This year’s report focused on t...
Education Empowers Seniors Amid Rapid Tech and Climate Shifts
Education has long been valued as a powerful tool for addressing social challenges, yet we often think of it as primarily benefiting younger people. But why should education stop when we reach adul...
Can Green Design Reduce Urban Heat Risks for Older Age Groups?
As the days shorten in the northern hemisphere and memories of this summer’s sweltering temperatures begin to fade, city planners and public health professionals alike remain on high alert fo...
Father’s Day Reflections: The Role of Physical and Social Activities in Aging
Father's Day is a time of reflection and celebration, a moment to honour the paternal figures in our lives. As a researcher focused on aging and mental health, this year's Father's Day ...
Anti-Ageing Strategies and Remedies: Interventions to Slow Down Women’s Ageing
The phrase ‘ageing gracefully’ is very well known. We hear it in media reports and during conversations with our friends. However, a current shift in perspective on the ageing proc...
Cocoa and Continuity: Ageing in the Ghanaian Cocoa Sector
‘When I die, it's up to her to decide whether to farm or not.’ With these words, 65-year-old Ghanaian cocoa farmer Felicia Mensah left the decision to continue in the family prac...
On the Margins: Older Ethnic Minority Women in the UK Labour Market
Why do some of the UK’s older migrant groups have very low-level labour market/formal economic engagement despite the abolishment of default retirement age, and the introduction of exte...