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Positive Ageing and the Role of Public Policy in the United Arab Emirates

Countries around the world are employing various approaches to promote positive ageing in order to maintain healthy populations. These run regardless of whether inhabitants are predominantly older ...

Expanding Age Problems Require Expanding Design

Designing for an ageing population has become so familiar in recent years that it can be hard to remember a time when it was not a mainstream practice and positioned only at the margins of research...

Why the Dominance of Choice-Talk in the Media Debate on Death and Dying in Late Life is Problematic

In many Western societies, the dominance of choice-talk in the public debate about good ageing and dying is clearly visible. Research in various Western jurisdictions, including a new Dutch study t...

For All at All Ages: Universal Health Coverage is only “Universal” if Older People are Included

As the 12th of December is Universal Health Coverage Day, it is worth remembering that on the 10th of October 2019 the world’s governments agreed on a UN General Assembly resolution, committi...

Empowerment through Technology? Offering Virtual Reality in Care Homes

In the context of global calls for society-wide initiatives to foster healthy ageing, technology is often implicated as an enabling feature of age-friendly environments. A recent review described t...

The Impacts of Recession on Older Adults

In 2022, many major economies globally face uncertainties ranging from inflation, supply chain disruptions and geopolitical conflicts. Consequently, think tanks, policy makers and industries now ex...

Public investment for lifelong learning

At the end of 2020 the House of Commons Select Committee on Education published its Plan for an Adult Skills and Lifelong Learning Revolution. This was quickly followed by a Government White Paper ...

Multigenerational households as a solution to the economic crisis in Brazil?

The economic crisis in Brazil has received much attention in the media recently, with the Tullet Prebon Brasil Report demonstrating that the country currently has the minimum wage with the lowest p...

The development of public health insurance schemes in China

Over the past two decades, the Chinese government has launched a series of reforms to improve the accessibility of healthcare services. This blog entry briefly surveys the history of the developmen...

What’s wrong with Healthy Ageing Anyway?

Societies are ageing. There is no need to reiterate the projections to this readership; suffice it to say that an increasingly ageing population presents both challenges and opportunities regarding...

Why the sound of birdsong might help with hearing loss

Over the course of conducting design research into the needs of an ageing society, I have inevitably been involved in a number of studies that address sight and hearing loss. These projects have va...

Reimagining the relational value of death

Medical technology is one of the main drivers that is significantly changing the way we live towards the end of our lives and the way we die. In its recent report on the value of death, the Lancet ...

Increasing the Youth Vote: How Older Voters Can Help

As someone who blogs about the journey of adulthood, I’m often asked by peers how to find meaning  in the second half of life. “Volunteer,” I tell them. “It’s goo...

Employees’ Perceived Fear of Automation: Which Age Groups Are Most Affected?

The speed of automation, accelerated by the COVID pandemic, prompts the question as to what will happen to occupations. Some are predicted to significantly change, while others may even disappear. ...

Utilise Data to Leverage Response to Ageing Transition in The Middle East

As the Middle East and North Africa (MENA) region is in the process of ageing transition, there is an urgent need to encourage and advance comprehensive research on all aspects of ageing. The Inter...