Past Event
Debates from the South
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Week 7 - Debates from the South
Speakers from our Latin American Research Network on Ageing
- Carla da Silva Santana Castro is occupational therapist, professor at Ribeirao Preto Medical School at University of Sao Paulo, Brazilian Society for Gerontechnology and visitor at the OIPA in 2012.
"COVID-19 and its Impact on the Inclusion of Older Persons: Lessons to Brazil"
Major epidemics and their impacts on the population have challenged world societies. Since December 2019, the world has dealt with the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic crisis with implications for all sectors of society, especially the health sector, the labor and financial markets, the demand for goods and services, transportation and social protection, education, leisure, as well as family and social structures.
This webinar will discuss social distance caused by the coronavirus-19 pandemic, addressing the contexts experienced by the older adults in Brazil focusing on social and family life, digital inequalities related to access and skills for using information and communication technologies. It discusses the lessons that Brazil should have to learn during and after the pandemic about social isolation, ageism and social long-term policies, aligned with the speed of aging of the Brazilian population.
Prof. Dr. Johannes Doll, Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul. Leader of the Research Group “Aging and Education”, Vice-president of the Brazilian Society of Gerontecnology. Editor of the scientific journal “Estudos Interdisciplinares sobre o Envelhecimento”
"The contemporary Brazil as learning challenge for the older population"
The rapid changes in economic and consumer practices, in family structures and the digitalization of the world represent a constant challenge for the vast majority of the old and very old people, a fast growing group in Brazil. The presentation analyzes those situations as learning challenges and looks for educational initiatives which might offer support for the elderly.
This event is part of a seminar series:
Michaelmas 2020 Seminar Series
This term we present a series of Lectures and Brown Bag debates from our various networks around the world. These will cover topics relevant to the various research undertaken at the Institute of Population Ageing. Two sessions will be provided by colleagues in the AFoX collaboration and from the Medical Sciences. The Brown Bag Debates this term will cover different ...
Event Details
26 November 2020 14:00 - 15:00
Online with Zoom