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The fall-less city and other innovations for a healthier old age | Sarah Harper for the Guardian

The Guardian has published an article by Professor Sarah Harper The fall-less city and other innovations for a healthier old age’.

Rapid urbanisation and ageing populations mean that cities must become better for older people to live in. We have the technology to make this happen.

"Promoted by the World Health Organisation, the age-friendly city movement has spread across the globe. With projections that half Europe’s population will be over 50 within a couple of decades and that the world will have more people over 60 than under 16 by 2050, the age-proofing of our environments is high on the agenda.

Already more than 500 million people over 65 live in cities. The urban old reach 250 million in Asia, 57 million in Latin America and 23 million in Africa. Indeed 90% of us, young and old, will live in urban environments by the end of the century."

Read The Guardian article: The fall-less city and other innovations for a healthier old age