The VI Latin American Research Network on Ageing (LARNA) Congress and the II Congress ABRUNATI, held in Ponta Grossa, Brazil, October 4th – 7th 2016, were a great success. More than 500 delegates from across Latin America attended, reflecting the importance of ageing research in the region and the role of LARNA and the Oxford Institute of Population Ageing, University of Oxford, in relation to researchers, policy makers and practitioners.
The conference at the University of Ponta Grossa was organized and co-ordinated by Professor Rita de Cássia da Silva Oliveira, a member of LARNA’s founding core group. Professor Paola Andressa Scortegagna also help co-ordinate the conference.
Both Dr. Leeson, Director of LARNA, and Professor Klein, Co-ordinator of LARNA, explained the relevance of LARNA and of the conference.
The conference theme was Policies, diversity and empowerment in ageing societies and provided an opportunity to exchange experiences, to disseminate research findings and to develop th dialogue with policy makers and practitioners.
Many, many thanks to Professor Rita de Cássia da Silva Oliveira and Professor Paola Andressa Scortegagna for their magnificent efforts and to all of the delegates for their tremendous support.
Parabéns para elas!