LARNA Workshop: Ageing in Latin America - crises, debates, paradigms will be held at the Campus of the University of São Paulo, Ribeirão Preto, Sede do Instituto de Estudos Avançados - Polo Ribeirão Preto Faculdade de Economia, (FEARP), 4-5 July 2019.
The Latin America Research Network on Ageing (LARNA) was created in 2008 under the leadership of Dr George W. Leeson, Director of the LARNA network, and co-ordinated by Dr Alejandro Klein from the University of Guanajuato-Leon in Mexico.
►The poster of the workshop in Spanish can be found here
►The poster of the workhsop in Portuguese can be found here
►Download the progamme: LARNA Workshop: Ageing in Latin America: crises, debates, paradigms