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The IARU ALH Early Career Researcher Newsletter

Since the 2022 IARU Ageing Longevity and Health Research Conference, Early Career Researchers (ECRs), consisting of young to mid-level researchers from various research-intensive universities, have agreed upon forming an IARU ALH ECR Network to bridge sharing of expertise and international collaborations. The IARU ALH ECR Network is a platform that connects young researchers of cross-disciplinary fields to share ideas, foster close collaborations and support each other's academic careers. The network provides opportunities for professional development and collaboration to encourage ECRs to establish themselves in their respective field. Through sharing of expertise, quarterly seminars and networking events, members of the network build relationships with peers, gain greater insight into academic research practices and foster strong collaborations globally. The IARU ALH ECR Network aims to become a supportive community that fosters the growth and development of future ECRs, driving innovation and promoting impactful research among the next generation of researchers.

This newsletter is a vehicle which disseminates the academic activities, outputs, and all things related to the IARU ALH ECRs. It provides a platform for ECRs and beyond to understand more about members' research, to disseminate upcoming events (such as conferences, funding or working opportunities, and so on), and to provide reflections on the academic events.

► The first issue of the International Alliance of Research Universities, Ageing Longevity & Health Early  Career Researcher newsletter