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Book release: Active Ageing in the European Union. Policy Convergence and Divergence

Active Ageing in the European Union
Policy Convergence and Divergence

Kate A. Hamblin

Palgrave Macmillan

> Book Information

Book description

This book explores the adoption of 'active ageing' policies by EU15 nations and the impact on older peoples' work and retirement policy options. It explores the labour market policies (including unemployment benefits, active labour market policies and partial pension receipt) and pension policies (pension principles, early retirement and incentives for deferral) adopted by these nations from the mid-1990s onwards, addressing three main questions. First, to what extent was the EU's vision of 'active ageing' adopted in EU15 nations between 1995 and 2010? Second, what was the nature of policy reforms in these nations over this time period? Finally, which sub-groups within the older age cohort were subject to active ageing policies in these countries? The data indicate convergence towards the EU-vision of active ageing is complex, with nations adopting a variety of different reforms and policy mixes, which in turn focus on different groups within the older age cohort.


Active Ageing: Origins and Resurgence
The Eu's Active Ageing Agenda
Group I: The Vanguards: Consolidating their Position Beyond Stockholm
Group II: Surpassing Stockholm
Group III: Below Stockholm but Approaching Fast
Group IV: The Laggards: Slow Progress towards Stockholm


KATE HAMBLIN is a Research Fellow at the Oxford Institute of Population Ageing, University of Oxford, UK.