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Philosopher K.J. Morris lectures on 'Age, Gender and Beauty Practices'

Oxford Institute of Population Ageing
Michaelmas 2011 Seminar Series "The question of gender within an ageing society'
17 November  2011

'The Age of Beauty and the Beauty of Age'
Age, Gender and Beauty Practices

Dr. Katherine J. Morris
Supernumerary Fellow in Philosophy, Mansfield College
Faculty of Philosophy University of Oxford

Lecture Abstract:

Drawing on psychological, anthropological and recent feminist literature this lecture will critically examine mainstream arguments revolving around women, beauty and ageing. In particular, the following contentions will be discussed:

(1) In modern Western culture, beauty entails a youthful appearance (especially for women). (2) In modern Western culture, beauty is extremely important (especially for women) both for self-esteem and for job and relationship prospects. (3) Because people naturally lose their youthful appearance as they age, they (especially women) are faced with a stark choice as they get older: either do something potentially harmful to maintain their youthful appearance (the focus of this talk will be on cosmetic surgery and other cosmetic procedures) or lose their self-esteem and job and relationship prospects. (4) Modern Western culture (perhaps learning from other cultures) needs to change either its conception of beauty or the importance which it attaches to beauty.

Seminar Venue:

The seminar will take place at the Oxford Institute of Population Ageing Seminar Room, 66 Banbury Road (Wolesey Hall – corner with Norham Road) between 12:30 – 2:00 pm.

Further information on Michaelmas 2011 Seminar Series: