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Dr Lola Kola

Past Visitor

Global Mental Health Researcher: College of Medicine, University of Ibadan, Nigeria



1. WHO Collaborating Centre for Research and Training in Mental Health, Neurosciences and Drug and Alcohol abuse. Department of Psychiatry College of Medicine University of Ibadan, Nigeria. 

2. Adjunct Associate Professor, Department of Sociology and Psychology, Faculty of Social Sciences, Lead City University, Ibadan.

3. Affiliate Faculty, BRiTE Center, Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences, University of Washington, Seattle, United States.

Dr. Lola Kola is a named National Institute of Health USA, Emerging Global Leader (2018-2024). She studied Sociology at the University of Ibadan, Nigeria and obtained her Ph.D. in Medical Sociology. Lola worked as project director on two large epidemiological studies of aging sponsored by the Welcome Trust:

  • Care of Disabled Elderly in a changing society (2003 – 2005) – Welcome Trust
  • Mapping of Research Actors in Mental and Neurological Disorders (2004 – 2005) – Global Forum for Health Research

In the studies, the team identified potential modifiable social and lifestyle factors such as social networks and engagement with physical activities as predictors of successful aging. 

Dr. Lola Kola research experience is in the areas of Epidemiological studies, large-scale clinical trials, and implementation studies based on principles of task shifting in community settings. Her work has been supported by the Wellcome Trust, National Institute of Health USA, Medical Research Council, UK, Grand Challenges Canada, and International Development Research Centre Canada.