Dr. Seung-Min Park
Affiliate Research Fellow
Dr Seung-Min Park (DPhil) is an alumnus of the Oxford Institute of Population Ageing. He is currently Assistant Professor (tenure-track) at the Division of Humanities and Liberal Arts, Hanbat National University (HBNU) in South Korea. He studied Sociology (BA/MA in Korea University with early graduation), Social Policy (MSc in International Health Policy, LSE), and Sociology (DPhil in University of Oxford). His research interests are sociology of ageing, welfare states, health systems, human rights, and social quality.
• Park, S-M. (2015) “The Welfare Politics of Integrating Health and Social Care Service Systems in the United Kingdom, 1948-2010”, Journal of Governmental Studies 21(3): 121-161.
• Park, S-M. (2011) “Comparative Analysis of the Effectiveness and Cost-effectiveness between the Pharmacological and Digital Media Smoking Cessation Programmes”, Legislation and Policy Studies 3(1): 153-177.
• Park, S-M. (2011) “Smoking Relapse in the Postpartum Period and the Evidence-based Health Policy”, Global Social Welfare Review 1(1): 7-29.
• Park, S-M. (2011) “Meta-analysis of the Interventions for Caring Depression of the Elderly in the Four Countries: A Comparison of the Total Effectiveness, Short-term Effectiveness, and Long-term Effectiveness”, Journal of the Korean Gerontological Society 31(3): 553-571.
• Park, S-M. (2011) “The British National Health Service Reform and Its Elective Affinities with the Ruling Political Parties, 1948-1978”, Journal of Governmental Studies 17(1): 187-223.
• Park, S-M. (2011) “A Qualitative Case Study on the Experiences of Using Direct Payment by Older People in the United Kingdom”, Korean Journal of Family Welfare 16(2): 199-221.
• Park, S-M. (2010) “Meta-analysis of the Interventions for Preventing Falls by the Elderly in the Eight Countries: Comparison between Aged 70’s and 80’s”, Journal of the Korean Gerontological Society 30(1): 49-63.
• Park, S-M. (2010) “Cradle to Grave: The British End of Life Care Policy”, Social Welfare Quarterly 46(3): 128-135.
• Park, S-M. (2010) “United Kingdom’s National Care Service Policy”, Social Welfare Quarterly 46(2): 127-142.
• Park, S-M. (2010) “A Paradigm Shift in Social Work”, Social Welfare Quarterly 46(1): 141-147.
• Park, S-M. (2009) “Towards an Evidence-Based Practice”, Journal of Far East Social Welfare 5: 7-31.
• Park, S-M. (2007) “The Social Construction of Making–up Men’s Image: Korean Advertisements for Men’s Cosmetics from 1970 to 2006”, Korean Journal of Social Issues 14: 125-156 (7th Sambok Academic Award).
Links to publicly accessible reports; academic publications available on request.
- The Political Economy of Healthcare Policy of the Welfare State: National Health Service Reform by the Conservative and New Labour Governments from 1979 to 2010
- Happiness and Society
- Resilience of Patients with Chronic Diseases
- Happiness and State: Multidisciplinary Interpretation of Happiness and Its Policy Implication
- Social policy and late-life happiness
- “South Korea’s Comprehensive Security System and Disasters: The Sewol Ferry Tragedy”
- The Possibility and Limitation of Age-friendly Industry Activation Policy of the Korean Government: ‘From the First to Third Plan for Ageing Society and Population
- Health Security
- The Gendered Impact of the National Pension Scheme on Late-Life Economic Well-being: Evidence from the Korean Retirement and Income Study
- Theory of Intergenerational Ambivalence: Is It the Perfect New Lens for Studying Intergenerational Relationships?
- Intergenerational Transfer and Intergenerational Stake Hypothesis between Older Parents and Their Adult Children by Gender