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Ms Jennifer Baird

Postgraduate Researcher, University of Southampton


Division of Social Statistics and Demography
Social Sciences
University of Southampton
SO17 1BJ




Ms Baird is a PhD student at the University of Southampton. Her research focuses on ageing in urban slum settlements in sub-Saharan Africa and explores poverty in later life in this context. Ms Baird holds an MSc in Demography and a BSc in Sociology and Social Policy from the University of Southampton. She has also worked as an intern with the emergencies team at HelpAge International in London, to produce a report on humanitarian financing for older people and people living with disabilities.

Key research/capacity building interests

Research Interests

  • Ageing and urbanisation in sub-Saharan Africa
  • Measurement of poverty
  • Social protection for older people

Key methodological skills

  • Quantitative analysis of survey data

Current/planned research

  • PhD research: Poverty among Older People in Two Nairobi Slum Settlements