Mr Gwatirera Javangwe
Chairman / Lecturer, Department of Psychology, University of Zimbabwe
Chairman / Lecturer, Department of Psychology, University of Zimbabwe,
Department of Psychology, University of Zimbabwe, PO Box MP 167, Mt Pleasant, Harare,
Tel +263 912 960 707
Fax +263 4 333 407
Mr Javangwe is a lecturer of psychology in the Department of Psychology at the University of Zimbabwe. He holds the degrees BSc Honours Psychology and a Master of Philosophy in Psychology. He has published on the interface between HIV and AIDS and gender based violence, the nature and prevalence of violence sexual abuse among children living and working on the streets.
Key research/capacity building interests
Research Interests
- Psychosocial well-being of older displaced people
- Prevalence of gender based violence among older people
- Older re-parenting in the context of HIV and AIDS
- Resilience among urban and rural older people
- Compassion fatigue among older care givers
- Risk assessment, risk prediction and rehabilitation of offenders
- Child Sexual Abuse
- Intimate Partner Violence
- Clinical child psychopathology, juvenile sex offenders
- Engendering a community based approach to the care of older persons
- Building the capacity of the older persons to care for orphans and vulnerable children
- Male involvement on the creation of gender just society
- Male involvement in infant and child care
Key methodological skills
- Quantitative and Qualitative Research Methodology ( a variety of approaches)
- Experimental Design and analysis
- Quantitative data analysis with SPSS Win and with QSR NVivo
- Baseline surveys, situational analyses, documenting case studies
Current/planned research
- Compassion fatigue
- Professional caregiver stress and resilience
- Use of expressive arts as therapeutic and diagnostic tools with older persons
Current engagement in capacity building
- Training children living and working on the streets on alternatives to violence
- Training communities on children’s rights
- Bereavement counselling