Professor Mamadou M Ka
Head of Internal Medicine Department, Thies University, Dakar Senegal
Head of Internal Medicine Department, Thies University, Dakar Senegal
School of Medicine
Thies University
P O Box 6237
Prof. Ka is a senior professor of Internal Medicine in Dakar (Senegal), CHEIKH ANTA DIOP University (UCAD), and Head of the Internal Medicine Department of Pikine National Hospital Centre. He had his medical training in Senegal, and also further training in France and the United States of America. He published numerous papers dealing mainly with systemic diseases, Hepatic and digestive diseases, as well as autoimmune diseases. As Internal Medicine head of clinic, he has been dealing for years with older people pathology diagnosis and treatment, on a day-to-day basis.
In October 2008, Prof Ka was appointed to lead a new medical school set up in the Senegalese second city. He is a member and founder of the Senegalese Society of Internal Medicine, and the Senegalese Society of Gastroenterology and Hepatology. He is also member of the French National Society of Internal Medicine.
Key research/capacity building interests
Research Interests
• Systemic and auto-immune diseases, metabolic diseases in Africa
• Liver diseases
• Diabetes in the elderly
Capacity Building Interests
• Clinical training
• Medical data management and software
Current/planned research
• Diabetes in the elderly
• Anti-coagulation therapy in internal medicine
• Management of systemic lupus and anti-phospholipids’ syndrome
• Anti-nuclear antibody diagnosis value
Current engagement in capacity building
• Medical software in clinical training and data management