Senior Lecturer, Dept. of Economics, University of Ibadan, Nigeria
Department of Economics
University of Ibadan
Ibadan, Oyo State
Dr. Ogwumike is a Senior Lecturer and Director of the M.Sc./Ph.D Programme in the Department of Economics, Faculty of the Social Sciences, at the University of Ibadan, Nigeria. His doctoral studies were in Development Economics, and he has worked mainly on the economics of poverty, environment, health and labour economics. Dr. Ogwumike’s career in research on poverty spans over15 years. He has provided consultancies for the World Bank, UNICEF, UNDP, DFID and Federal Government Agencies in Nigeria such as the Federal Office of Statistics, Federal Ministry of Water Resources, and the National Planning Commission. Dr. Ogwumike was centrally involved in the development of the poverty reduction strategy paper for Nigeria. He has widely published through edited books, chapters in books, journal articles, research and technical reports. In recent years his poverty research has led him to a growing interest in ageing and the links between poverty and old age.
Key research/capacity building interests
Research Interests
- Economics of Poverty
- Labour Economics
- Economics of Health
- Economics of Ageing
- Social Security and Poverty
Capacity Building Interests
- Capacity development in poverty and social sector statistics generation and management
Key methodological skills
- Quantitative methods
- Qualitative methods
Current/planned research
- Labour market inequality and poverty in Nigeria.
- Social Security for Informal Sector Workers in Nigeria.
Current engagement in capacity building
- Developing capacity in Poverty and Social Sector Statistics generation and management for National Bureau of Statistics