Dr Els van Dongen
Associate Professor, University of Amsterdam
Associate Professor, University of Amsterdam
University of Amsterdam Oudezijds Achterburgwal 1851012 DK AmsterdamThe Netherlands
Dr. van Dongen is medical anthropologist. Currently, she works on older persons, memories, culture in South Africa. Other areas of interest: post-violent societies, immigrants, refugees, mental health. She has extensively published on mental illness, older persons, and immigrants. She is editor of several journals and the chair of the network for medical anthropologists working in their own country (MAAH). She is affiliated with the Walter and Albertina Sisulu institute for ageing in Africa, University of Cape Town.
Key research/capacity building interests
Research Interests
- Refugees and health
- Older persons and memory,
- Generational relationships
Key methodological skills
- Ethnographic research
- Qualitative studies
- Anthropological methodology
Current Engagement in capacity building