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Mr Yongjie Yon

Past Visitor, PhD Student – Davis School of Gerontology, University of Southern California

Mr. Yongjie Yon is a Visiting Junior Academic under the James Martin Fellowship Programme at the Oxford Institute of Population Ageing (17th January 2016 to the 12th March 2016).

Yongjie is a Ph.D Candidate in Gerontology at the Davis School of Gerontology at the University of Southern California, the United States. Yongjie's academic, professional and personal outlook revolves around a pivotal theme that the most fundamental right of seniors is the right to feel safe and free from potential abuse.

Yongjie is also a recipient of a Doctoral Fellowship from the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada. He has a MA in Gerontology from Simon Fraser University, Canada where he conducted his research on elder abuse.

As an active researcher, Yongjie has published in leading academic journals on research relating to ageism, elder abuse, intergenerational relations and immigrant seniors. His professional experience in the private and public sectors on social and economic issues of seniors in Canada and abroad has allowed him to be an advocate for the advancement of seniors' rights. Yongjie is currently working on his doctoral research with the World Health Organization to conduct a systematic review and meta-analysis on elder abuse prevalence study.

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