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Dr Lara Roll

Academic Visitor

Lara Roll returns to the Institute until 18 June 2022. 

Currently, she is a Marie Curie Fellow at KU Leuven and an extraordinary researcher at North-West University (South Africa). Her research focuses on the impact of the fourth industrial revolution on employees’ perception of the future of their occupations. She is further leading a 10-country project on the impact of job insecurity in higher education.

New technologies have the potential to fundamentally disrupt whole economies, income, and careers, yet our understanding of the implications is, at best, limited. The aims of Lara’s Marie Curie project are to provide fresh insights into those implications and perspectives for organizations to optimise the potential of their workforce to capitalise on technology advancements and to make their people fit for the future. She is spending her secondment as part of the Marie Curie Fellowship at the Institute of Population Ageing during the Trinity term 2022.

Lara obtained her PhD in Industrial and Organisational Psychology from Lingnan University (Hong Kong) as a Hong Kong PhD Fellowship recipient. Previously, she graduated from the University of Amsterdam’s Research Master Programme (Netherlands) and received her bachelor’s degree from the University of Bern (Switzerland). She has also studied at George Mason University (USA) and the University of Malta (Malta).

As a Senior Associate of the Psychai Talent Group (PTG;, she has consulted in a variety of industries in the USA, Europe, Asia Pacific, Africa and the Middle East, coaching world-class leaders to optimise their potential, developing young professionals and facilitating team buildings.

Lara C. Roll was an Academic Visitor at the Oxford Institute of Population Ageing from 13 January 2019 to 09 March 2019.

Links to publicly accessible reports; academic publications available on request.