
Xinyi Li is was a visiting student at the Oxford Institute of Population Ageing from October 2023 to April 2024. She is currently in her third year of pursuing a Ph.D. in the School of Psychological and Cognitive Sciences at Peking University. She obtained her bachelor’s degree in the Department of Psychology at Beijing Normal University.
Xinyi Li is interested in promoting healthy ageing by enhancing resilience, healthy literacy and behaviors in ageing population, given that older adults always face age-related challenges. Xinyi Li aspires to foster resilience in older adults from both mental and physical perspectives. This goal necessitates a comprehensive exploration of the facilitators, inhibitors and mechanisms of resilience.
The heterogeneity within the older population regarding resilience also attracts her attention. She is keen on investigating how cultural context and other psychosocial factors contribute to this diversity. The exploration is key to tailoring personalized interventions, allowing for precise preventive and intervention strategies that cater to the unique needs of individuals.
During her visiting period, she plans to conduct an array of studies focused on healthy ageing. Her research methods will include meta-analysis and longitudinal analysis of secondary data, along with the collection of cross-cultural data through prospective study design.