Associate Professor Long Thanh Giang is currently Director of Institute of Public Policy and Management (IPPM) at National Economics University, Hanoi; a Senior Researcher of Institute of Social and Medical Studies (ISMS), Hanoi; an Adjunct Senior Researcher of Menzies Institute of Medical Research at University of Tasmania, Australia; and an Affiliate Research Fellow of IPAG Business School, Paris.
His research interests include the economics of aging and micro-simulation of anti-poverty programs for the older persons, particularly for Viet Nam, Indonesia, and Myanmar. His research outcomes have been published widely, including Ageing International, Asian Economic Journal, Asia Pacific Migration Journal, Asia Pacific Population Journal, Asia Pacific Development Journal, Development and Change, International Social Science Journal, International Journal of Development Issues, Journal of Population Ageing, and Social Science and Medicine.
Dr. Long was a member of the drafting team for the Vietnam’s Social Protection Strategy 2011-2020; a member of task force group for the Vietnam’s Population and Reproductive Health Strategy 2011-2020; a member of key consultancy team for the Master Plan of Social Assistance Reform and Development (MPSARD) 2017-2025 with a vision to 2030 for Ministry of Labour, Invalids and Social Affairs (MoLISA).
Associate Professor Giang Thanh Long has also been a consultant for a number of organizations, including Ministry of Finance (MoF), Ministry of Labour, Invalids and Social Affairs (MoLISA), Ministry of Health (MoH), Ministry of Planning and Investment (MPI), ADB, GTZ, HelpAge International (HAI), ILO, Oxfam, UNDP, UNESCAP, UNFPA, the World Bank, and WHO.
Recent professional commitments
- “Designing and Implementing a Social Pension Scheme”. Client: HelpAge International and Department of Social Welfare (Myanmar).
- “Social assistance needs for the poor and vulnerable older persons in Indonesia”. Client: TNP2K (Indonesia).
- "Reforming Social Assistance System in Vietnam". Clients: UNDP and MoLISA (A member of taskforce and research group).
- "Expansion of pension coverage to informal sector: International experiences and options for Vietnam". Clients: UNFPA and ILO. (sole researcher)
- "Constructing indices for monitoring aging and policies for older people in Vietnam". Client: Vietnam National Committee on Ageing (VNCA) (technical advisor).
- "Aging Population and Urbanization - Intertwined Issues in Middle-income Countries" under "Urbanization in Asia". Client: Oxfam GB (sole researcher).
- "Qualitative evaluation of the Intergeneration Self-help Clubs for Older People in Vietnam". Client: Vietnam Women Union [via VIE022 Project - Promoting rights for disadvantaged older people in Vietnam, under Atlantic Philanthropies funding]
- "Strengthening social protection in Vietnam". Client: MoLISA (via Poverty Reduction Program Project-PRPP with UNDP funding) [team leader]
- “Strengthening Social Protection in Vietnam”. Client: UN Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific (UNESCAP). [sole researcher]
- “Evaluating Implementation of the Law on Older People after Two Years since Approval”. Client: GIZ and Viet Nam National Committee of Ageing (VNCA) [co-team leader].
- “Baseline Study on the Older People in Hai Duong and Ben Tre Provinces”. Client: UNFPA [team leader].
- “Aging population and needs for social protection in Vietnam: A National Transfer Account application”, NUPRI (Japan) and EWC (Hawaii) [technical team leader]
- “Health status and access to health care services of the rural older people in Vietnam”. Client: Toyota Foundation [co-team leader, in partnership with Vietnam Association for the Elderly – VAE].
- “Viet Nam’s National Plan of Actions on Aging”. Client: Viet Nam National Committee of Ageing (VNCA) [a member of task force team]
- “Viet Nam Aging Survey (VNAS)”. Client: Atlantic Philanthropy (AP) and Viet Nam Women Union (VWU) under the Project ‘Enhancing the Rights of the Disadvantaged Older People in Vietnam’. [principal investigator].
- “Social assistance policy in Vietnam: Issues in design and implementation, and vision for reforms”, UNDP and MoLISA [team member].
- “Evaluating conditional and unconditional cash transfers (CCT/UCT) modalities for poverty reduction and social assistance policies in Viet Nam”. Client: UNDP & MoLISA. [team leader].
- “Access to Social Protection Services of the Most Vulnerable Groups of People in Viet Nam: A Sketch from Viet Nam Household Living Standards Surveys”. Client: UNFPA [team member]
- “Developing Asia’s Pension Systems: Overview and Reform Directions” (extension objective: Toward sustainability and generational equity). Client: ADB. [sole researcher]
- “Social Pension for the Older People in Asia: Country Policy Studies – Bangladesh, Thailand, and Vietnam”. Client: HelpAge International, Thailand and Asian Development Bank (ADB). [sole researcher]
- “Impacts of Conditional Cash Transfer on Growth, Income Distribution, and Poverty in Selected ASEAN Countries”. Client: Economic Research Institute for ASEAN and East Asia (ERIA), Indonesia. [sole researcher]
- “Regional Survey on Aging and Evaluation of 10-year Implementation of MIPAA”. Client: HelpAge International, London [team leader and main reporter]
- “Overview of the Social Transfer Program in Vietnam”. Client: GTZ. [team leader]
- “Population Aging and Old-Age Persons in Vietnam: Current Status, Prognosis, and Proposed Policy Responses”. Client: UNFPA. [sole researcher]
- “Developing Asia’s Pension Systems: Overview and Reform Directions”. Client: ADB. [sole researcher]
- “Toward an aging population: Mapping the reform process in the public delivery of social protection services in Vietnam”. Client: UNDP [sole researcher]
- “Modeling the Reform of the Pension Scheme in Vietnam from PAYG to NDC”. Client: World Bank. [team leader]
- “Projections of Social Protection Beneficiaries in Vietnam for the Period 2011-2020”. Client: UNDP. [team leader]
- “Social Protection in Asia: The Case of Vietnam”. Client: Economic Research Institute for ASEAN and East Asia (ERIA), Indonesia. [sole researcher]
- “Training Project on Exploration of Data on Population Census and Housing Survey 2009: Employment and Labor Market Analysis”. Client: UNFPA and GSO. [team leader]
- “Modeling Pension Fund in Vietnam”. Client: World Bank. [team member]
- “Taking Advantage of Demographic Bonus: Opportunity, Challenges, and Policy Suggestions for Vietnam”. Client: UNFPA & GoPFP. [sole researcher]
- “Social Health Insurance in Vietnam: Current Issues and Policy Recommendations”. Client: ILO. [sole researcher]
Recent Publications
- 2018, Giang Thanh Long & Theresa W. Devasahayam (eds.) Health rights of older people: Comparative Perspectives in ASEAN Countries. Singapore/London: Routledge
- 2015, Giang Thanh Long, Pham Ngoc Toan (eds.) Impact of Changes in Population Age Structure on Vietnam’s Economic Growth and Policy Recommendations. Hanoi: UNFPA and MPI.
- 2015, Giang Thanh Long and Pham Ngoc Toan, Manual: Introduction and Users’ Guides for using National Transfer Accounts (NTA). Hanoi: UNFPA and MPI (in Vietnamese).
- 2011, Giang Thanh Long (ed.), The Aging population in Viet Nam: Current status, prognosis, and possible policy responses. Hanoi: UNFPA.
- 2010, Giang Thanh Long and Le Ha Thanh (eds.), Vuot qua bay thu nhap trung binh: Co hoi va thach thuc cua Vietnam (Overcoming the Middle-income Trap: Opportunities and Challenges of Vietnam). Hanoi: The Publishing House of Transportation and Communication.
- 2010, Giang Thanh Long (ed.), Taking advantage of the demographic bonus in Viet Nam: Opportunities, Challenges and Policy Implications. Hanoi: UNFPA.
- 2007, Giang Thanh Long and Duong Kim Hong (eds.), Social Issues under Economic Transformation and Integration in Vietnam, Volume 1. Hanoi: Vietnam Development Forum.
- 2007, Giang Thanh Long (ed.), Social Issues under Economic Transformation and Integration in Vietnam, Volume 2. Hanoi: The Publishing House of Social Labour.
- 2007, Nguyen Khac Minh and Giang Thanh Long (eds.), Technical Efficiency and Productivity Growth in Vietnam: Parametric and Non-parametric Approaches. Hanoi: The Publishing House of Social Labour
- 2018, Long Thanh Giang, Dat Van Duong & Yeop Jeong Kim. “Factors associated with Perceived Health Status of the Vietnamese Older People”, Journal of Population Ageing. DOI: 10.1007/s12062-018-9218-6
- 2017, Long Thanh Giang & Cuong Viet Nguyen. “Aging population and the sustainability of the pension scheme: Simulations of policy options for Vietnam”, Journal of Economics and Development, Vol. 19, No. 3 (December 2017): 40-51
- 2017, Long Thanh Giang & Cuong Viet Nguyen. “How would cash transfers improve child welfare in Viet Nam?”, Children and Youth Services Review, Volume 82, November 2017, Pages 87-98.
- 2017, Long Thanh Giang & Dung Duc Le. “Working Beyond the Traditional Retirement Ages: How does Chronic Health Condition Influence Older Workers in Vietnam”, Ageing International, DOI 10.1007/s12126-017-9301-y
- 2017, Long Giang, Cuong Nguyen, Anh Tran. “Does PAPI monitoring improve local governance? Evidence from a natural experiment in Vietnam”, International Journal of Development Issues, Vol. 16 Issue: 1, pp.85-106, doi: 10.1108/IJDI-05-2016-0028
- 2016, Le Duc Dung and Giang Thanh Long. “Gender differences in prevalence and associated factors of multi-morbidity among older persons in Vietnam”, International Journal on Ageing in Developing Countries, 1(2): 113-132.
- 2016. Giang Thanh Long, Mai Hoang Viet, and Nguyen Thi Hong Diep. “Gender differences in financial sources and perceived financial satisfaction among older people in Vietnam”, Journal of Economics and Development, Vol.18, No.2, August 2016, pp. 36-58.
- 2016. Giang Thanh Long, Nguyen Viet Cuong, and Tran Quang Tuyen. “Firm agglomeration and local poverty reduction: Evidence from an economy in transition”, Asia-Pacific Economic Literature, doi: 10.1111/apel.12131
- 2016. Giang Thanh Long, Nguyen Viet Cuong, Tran Quang Tuyen, and Vu Thieu. “Does Firm Agglomeration Matter to Labor and Education of Local Children? Evidence in Vietnam”, Child Indicators Research, DOI 10.1007/s12187-016-9409-8
- 2016. Giang Thanh Long and Nguyen Thi Hong Diep. “Determinants of Work Decisions among Older People in Rural Vietnam”, Journal of Population Ageing, Vol. 8, No. 4. DOI 10.1007/s12062-016-9143-5
- 2015. Long Thanh Giang, Cuong Viet Nguyen, Huong Vu Van & Thieu Vu. “Does firm privatisation benefit local households? The case of Vietnam”. Post-Communist Economies, 27:4, 547-565, DOI: 10.1080/14631377.2015.1055988
- 2015. Giang Thanh Long and Le Thi Ly. “Determinants of Labor Force Participation of Older People in Vietnam”, Journal of Economics and Development, Volume 17, Number 2 August 2015: 28-52 (ISSN 1859 0020)
- 2015. B. Teerawichitchainan, W. Pothisiri, and Giang Thanh Long. “How do living arrangements and intergenerational support matter for psychological health of elderly parents? Evidence from Myanmar, Vietnam, and Thailand,” Social Science & Medicine 136-137: 106-116.
- 2014. Ronald Lee et al., (NTA Global Network members). “Is low fertility really a problem? Population aging, dependency, and consumption”, Science 346, 229 (2014), DOI: 10.1126/science.1250542
- 2013. Giang Thanh Long and Hoang Chinh Thon. "Cash Transfers For The Most Vulnerable and Poor Elderly People in Vietnam: An Ex-Ante Impact Evaluation", Journal of Economics and Development Vol. 15, No.3, December 2013, pp. 22 - 35.
- 2013. Giang Thanh Long and Bui Dai Thu. "Access of Older People to Health Insurance and Healthcare Services in Vietnam: Current State and Policy Options", Asia Pacific Population Journal, Vol. 28, No. 2: 69-89
- 2013. Giang Thanh Long. "Social Protection for Older People in Vietnam: Role, Challenges, and Reform Options". Malaysian Journal of Economic Studies, Vol. 50, No. 2, Dec.2013: 194-207.
- 2013, Nguyen Khac Minh, Giang Thanh Long and Nguyen Viet Hung, Efficiency and Super-efficiency of commercial banks in Vietnam: Performances and Determinants, Asia-Pacific Journal of Operational Research, Vol. 30, No. 1 (2013): 1250047-1-19.
- 2012, Giang Thanh Long, “Delivering social protection services to the poor and vulnerable people in Vietnam: Challenges and the role of government”. ASEAN Economic Bulletin, Vol. 29, No. 3 (2012), pp. 245–58.
- 2012. Nguyen Khac Minh and Giang Thanh Long. “A Comparative Study on the Technical Efficiency of Manufacturing Firms in Two Biggest Cities in Vietnam”, Asian-African Journal of Economics and Econometrics, Vol. 12, No. 1, June 2012: 89-103.
- 2011, Giang Thanh Long, “Reaching a Universal Health Insurance in Viet Nam: Challenges and the Role of Government”, in June 2011 Issue, Asia-Pacific Development Journal, Vol. 18. No.1, June 2011: 47-72
- 2011, Okita, Y., Wade D. Pfau, and T. L, Giang, “A Stochastic Forecast Model for Japan’s Population.” The Japanese Economy, Vol. 38, No.2, Summer 2011: 19-44.
- 2011, Wade D. Pfau and T. L. Giang, "Groups Excluded from ‘Representative’ Household Surveys: An Analysis Based on Remittances Sent and Received in Vietnam” ASEAN Economic Bulletin. Vol. 28, No. 2 (April 2011): 68-73.
- 2011, Wade D. Pfau and T. L. Giang, "Remittances, Living Arrangements, and the Welfare of the Elderly." Asian and the Pacific Migration Journal, No.19, Vol. 4: 447-472.
- 2010, Wade Donald Pfau and Giang Thanh Long. “Determinants and Impacts of International Remittances in Household Welfare in Vietnam”, International Social Science Journal, Vol. 60, No. 194: 431-443.
- 2009, Nguyen Khac Minh and Giang Thanh Long. “Provincial Agricultural Production Efficiency in Vietnam during Economic Transformation”. Asian-African Journal of Economics and Econometrics, Vol. 9, No. 1: 193-204.
- 2009, Nguyen Khac Minh and Giang Thanh Long. “Efficiency Estimates for the Agricultural Production in Vietnam: A Comparison of Parametric and Non-parametric Approaches”, Agriculture Economics Review, Vol. 10, No. 2: 62-78.
- 2009, Giang Thanh Long and Wade Donald Pfau. “The Vulnerability of the Elderly to Poverty: Determinants and Policy Implications for Vietnam”, Asian Economic Journal, Vol. 23, No.4: 419-437
- 2009, Giang Thanh Long and Wade Donald Pfau. “Demographic Changes and the Long-term Pension Finances in Vietnam: A Stochastic Actuarial Assessment”, Journal of Population Ageing, Vol. 1, No. 2: 125-151.
- 2009, Giang Thanh Long and Wade Donald Pfau. “Aging, Poverty, and the Role of a Social Pension in Vietnam”, Development and Change, Vol. 40, No. 2: 333-360.
- 2008, Nguyen Khac Minh and Giang Thanh Long. “Factor Productivity and Efficiency of the Vietnamese Economy in Transition” Asia-Pacific Development Journal, Vol. 15, No. 1 (June 2008): 93-117.
- 2008, Wade Donald Pfau and Giang Thanh Long. “Gender and Remittance Flows in Vietnam during Economic Transformation”, Asia Pacific Population Journal, Vol. 23, No. 2 (August 2008): 13-32.
- 2008, Giang Thanh Long. “Aging Population and the Public Pension Scheme in Vietnam: A Long-term Financial Assessment”, East & West Studies, Volume 20, Issue 1 (June 2008): 171-193.
- 2007, Nguyen Khac Minh, Giang Thanh Long, and Bach Ngoc Thang, “Technical Efficiency of Small and Medium Manufacturing Enterprises in Vietnam”, The Korean Economic Review, Vol. 23, No. 1, Summer 2007: 187-221
Book chapters:
- Cities' in J. C. Rodriguez (ed.) The New Urban - Towards Progressive Secondary Cities. Bangkok: Asian Development Dialogue. (2014)
- Giang Thanh Long, “Vietnam”, Chapter 9 in D. Park (ed.), Promoting Fairness and Sustainability of East and Southeast Asian Pension System: 116-128. Manila: Asian Development Bank. (2012)
- Giang Thanh Long and D. Wesumperuma, “Social Pensions for Older Persons in Viet Nam: Current Status and Recommendations for Policy Responses”, Chapter 7 in Social Protection for Older People: Social Pensions in Asia: 168-186. Manila: Asian Development Bank. (2012)
- Giang Thanh Long, “Expanding Cash Transfer Program to Tackle Old-Age Poverty in Viet Nam: An Ex-Ante Evaluation”, in S Oum., Giang, T. L, Sann V., and Phouphet K. (eds.) Impact of Conditional Cash Transfers on Growth, Income Distribution and Poverty in Selected ASEAN Countries. Jakarta: Economic Research Institute for ASEAN and East Asia (ERIA). (2011)
- Giang Thanh Long, “Developing Asia's Pension Systems - Overview and Reform Directions: The Case of Vietnam”, in D. Park (ed.), Developing Asia’s Pension Systems - Overview and Reform Directions: 203-221. London: Routledge. (2011)
- Giang Thanh Long. “Social Protection in Vietnam”, Chapter 10 in M. Asher, S. Oum, and F. Parulian (eds.), Social Protection in Southeast Asia: Current State and Challenges. Jakarta: ERIA (2010)
- Giang Thanh Long and Wade Donald Pfau. “An Exploration for a Universal Non-contributory Pension Scheme in Vietnam”, in Aris Ananta and Evi Nurvidya Arifin (eds.) Older Persons in Southeast Asia: An Emerging Asset. Singapore: Institute of Southeast Asia Studies, pp.140-64. (2009)
Links to publicly accessible reports; academic publications available on request.