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The Institute has a diverse set of research projects underway or in development on topics related to health and longevity.

Several of the projects sit within health economics and deal with health status and its determinants in later life. There are also a number of projects which focus more closely on the policy implications of ageing populations for health and long-term care.

Technology also places an important role in allowing older adults to remain active citizens in the community. The Institute is particularly interested in the interface between the needs and abilities of older people and the engineering production of technology to fulfill these needs.

Equity and efficiency implications of changes in policy narratives for social and long-term care of frail older people since 1980

Political scientists and social policy analysts have described how policy ends and means for broad areas have differed between periods since 1980. This project analyses the content of policy statements supplemented with analyses of publicly available data and collections and analyses led by the a...


AKTIVE: Advancing Knowledge of Telecare for Independence and Vitality in later life

Funding: TSB and ESRC This project, funded by the Technology Strategy Board and ESRC through the Assisted Living Innovation Platform, was in collaboration with the Centre for International Research on Care, Labour and Equalities (CIRCLE, formerly University of Leeds now University of Shef...


Care in Bangladesh

Funding: Beveridge Foundation The population of Dhaka is currently around 30 million and rising and the services provided are unable to cope with demand. Families find they are unable to care for elderly relatives, as they need to be out earning money for food and a roof over their heads....


Fair and efficient targeting in subsidising social care for frail older people

The project analyses the implications of changing social and economic circumstances (including projected growth in populations at risk, changes in competencies and expectations), governmental policy values and priorities, and knowledge about the impacts of resources on outcomes for targeting the ...


Older People’s Associations in East and South East Asia

In several countries in the region, local communities have their organizations that are managed by older people and act to promote their interests.  One particular organizational model for OPAs has evolved in the last decade or so, and this has been sponsored and supported by HelpAge Interna...


SENSE – Using technology to support older adults with dual sensory impairment

Funding: Sense Building on the AKTIVE project, the Institute worked again in collaboration with CIRCLE at the University of Sheffield to explore the role of the role of telecare and other assistive technologies in supporting older people with DSI to live independently in their own homes. ...


The Longevity and Risk Programme (Joint with Demography and Economics)

Lack of financial planning and financial preparedness for retirement is an acknowledged problem in many countries. The Longevity and Risk Programme at the OIA examines these key questions asking whether and how our present understanding of the determinants of recent mortality trends should be inc...