Entries by Luc Yao
(14 entries)
The Continuous Debate on the Connection between an Ageing Population and Inflation
For more than a year, surging worldwide inflation has become a topic of hot discussion and concern for politicians, business leaders and the general public. After decades of low inflation, the situ...
The Impacts of Recession on Older Adults
In 2022, many major economies globally face uncertainties ranging from inflation, supply chain disruptions and geopolitical conflicts. Consequently, think tanks, policy makers and industries now ex...
How to prevent accelerated ageing during and after the pandemic?
As we face a prolonged pandemic, many people feel we are ageing faster than before. Apart from generic variations, behaviours and life events also influence how quickly we age. Infectious disease, ...
Population ageing and semiconductors: the global race for digitalisation
Population ageing and digitalisation have been identified as major interesctions which will shape our future. The pressure to enhance national productivity and to overcome the potential chall...
How age-friendly cities are paving the way for the future: the case of Akita City
The convergence of population ageing with urbanisation is one of the major global mega-trends that will shape societies and communities in the 21st century. Thanks to the rapid advance of new techn...
The emerging trends of education technology for lifelong learning
Life-long learning is becoming increasingly important not only for businesses, but also for the wider society, and the quality of life of individuals. Ageing societies need older workers to stay pr...
Ageing population and inward FDI for post COVID-19 recovery in developed countries
It is a widely accepted view that without improvements in productivity population ageing is likely to have a negative impact on economic growth and returns to investment. The idea that we mig...
Investing in B2B products and services for the ageing workforces
More and more companies are coming to realise the importance of attracting, supporting and sustaining an ageing workforce. It’s easier to ‘sell’ this this kind of approach to work...
The growing appeal of investing in ageing populations
We are now more than 6 months into the COVID19 pandemic, which still seems to occupy the exclusive attention of many policy makers and businesses. Economic uncertainty remains high. globally,...
Digital living and the doughnut economy
Over the last few months, most of the world has implemented social distancing measures that have the effect of accelerating the digitalisation of our daily activities. Because our ability to move f...
Population ageing research and the opportunities with social enterprises
For more than 3 decades, population ageing research has been firmly established in many leading academic institutions. The impacts of global ageing will be enormous across economical, social and te...
Ageing and beauty
Throughout history, different societies have perceived people who are relatively young, with smooth skin and ‘well-proportioned’ bodies, as beautiful. In an era of population ageing, th...
Industrial 4.0 VS Society 5.0
Since 2010, the effects of Industry 4.0, a shorthand name for the so-called 4th Industrial Revolution, has been apparent in almost all sectors of German industry. Automation, digitalisation and oth...
Experimenting and ecosystem construction for population ageing challenges and opportunities
Population ageing is a global phenomenon and most policy makers, practitioners and researchers agree that it will have a major impact on all sorts of social arrangements, not only in those relative...