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23 Oct 2008
Seminar: Dr William Jackson, "Retirement Policies and the Life Cycle: Current Trends and Future Prospects"
16 Oct 2008
Seminar: Dr Martin Seeleib-Kaiser, "The Political Economy of Pension Reform in Germany"
16 Oct 2008
Pension Reform and the Economics of Ageing
19 Jun 2008
Seminar and Book Launch: "Impact of Ageing - A Common Challenge for Europe and Asia"
12 Jun 2008
Seminar: Professor Vera Roos, "Older Persons’ experiences of drought: Applying the MMOGO™-method to explore indigenous knowledge practices"
05 Jun 2008
Seminar: Professor Adesola Ogunniyi, "Ageing in Africa: emerging medico-social challenges - a Nigerian perspective"
29 May 2008
Seminar: Professor Sjaak van der Geest, "Resilience and the whims of reciprocity in old age: an example from Ghana"
23 May 2008
Conference: "The Scandinavian Welfare Model: The contract between generations and sustainability in the 21st century"
22 May 2008
Seminar: Ms Gloria Chepngeno Langat, "HIV/AIDS and older people living in urban areas: A case of older people in Nairobi City's slums"
15 May 2008
Seminar: Professor Armando Barrientos, "Researching Ageing, wellbeing and development: Research Challenges and Policy Issues. A South/South comparison - Brazil / South Africa"
08 May 2008
Seminar: Dr Lucie Cluver, "Makhulu" or "Mama"? Grandparenting in the context of AIDS"
01 May 2008
Seminar: Professor Robert Cumming, "Ageing and Health in Sub-Saharan Africa: reflections of an Australian epidemiologist in Uganda"
24 Apr 2008
Seminar: Alex Bush, "Ageing research, policy and practice in sub-Saharan Africa: an NGO perspective"
24 Apr 2008
Institute of Ageing seminar series - Trinity 2008
14 Apr 2008
Institute of Ageing Spring School: "The Multi-Disciplinary Toolkit for Global Ageing Research"
06 Mar 2008
Seminar: Dr Misu Isahara, "Exploring the demographic location of housing wealth in East Asia"
28 Feb 2008
Seminar: Dr Peter Lloyd-Sherlock, "Pension reform in Indonesia and Thailand: unsustainable and unjust"
21 Feb 2008
Seminar: Professor Ik Ki Kim, "Comparison of socioeconomic development and population aging in China, Korea and Japan"
14 Feb 2008
Seminar: Dr Jason Powell, "Ageing and Governmentality in China"
07 Feb 2008
Seminar: Dr Elizabeth Hsu, "Back at work after early retirement: transnational Chinese doctors in East Africa"
31 Jan 2008
Seminar: Professor Eef Hogervorst, "High Levels of Phytoestrogens Increase Risk for Poor Memory and Possible Dementia in Javanese Elderly Over 68 Years of Age"
24 Jan 2008
Seminar: Mariko Fujiwara, "The elderly reshaping consumer market in Japan"
17 Jan 2008
Seminar: Mark Gorman, "The Challenges of ageing in Asia"
17 Jan 2008
Ageing in Asia
01 Nov 2007
Seminar: Dr Joanna Coast, "Measuring morbidity: developing a measure of capability for older people for use in economic analysis"
25 Oct 2007
Seminar: Dr Michael Kuhn, "Health, Survival and Consumption over the Life Cycle: Individual versus Social Optimum and the Role of Externalities"
11 Oct 2007
Seminar: Dr Mireia Jofre-Bonet, "Developing an algorithm to obtain health related quality of life from visual function for glaucoma"
11 Oct 2007
Economic Analysis of Morbidity: causes, trends and implications

Seminar Series



Health, Ageing and Longevity: exploring perspectives from across the University of Oxford


Ageing with a Disability



Caring communities: configuring local support for healthy ageing in place


Methodological Advances in Social and Health Care Research


Ageing Post Trauma



The Challenges Facing an Ageing Africa and Latin America in the 21st Century


Social Care: challenge, change and renewal for older people

EAST: Ageing during Covid-19 and beyond in Central and Eastern Europe


Future Perspectives on Ageing



Trinity: Perspectives on Global Ageing

HilaryPerspectives on Global Ageing

Michaelmas: Michaelmas 2020 Seminar Series


Hilary: The Construction of Ageing

Michaelmas: Older Women’s Health


Trinity: Qualitative & Quantitative Methods for Big Data: A journey through social, medical and natural sciences

Hilary: Ageing Populations: from Cell to Society

Michaelmas 20th Anniversary series: Science and Populism: from evidence to narrative

Michaelmas: Providing Health and Social Care for an Ageing Population: Challenges and Responses


Trinity 20th Anniversary series: Science and Populism: from evidence to narrative

Trinity: Leave No One Behind – Sustainable Development Goals, Ageing and Global Development

Hilary: Population Ageing in countries that have experienced war, revolution, and economic transition

Michaelmas: The Geopolitical Implications of Global Population Change


Trinity: Ageing, Wellbeing and Health

Hilary: Contemporary Medical Perspectives on Ageing

Michaelmas: Financial Planning For Later Life in the UK


Trinity: Navigating life in sub-Saharan Africa – adolescent socio-ecologies

Hilary: Family dynamics, health and ageing in contemporary China

Michaelmas: Narratives on Marriage and Co-Habitation


Trinity: Historical Demography - A Place in Modern Demography

Hilary: Norms, Values and Theories

Drivers and Consequences of Population Ageing in Central and Eastern Europe

Michaelmas: Care Practices: towards a re-casting of Ethics

Fertility, Reproductive Health and Women's Empowerment


Trinity: Health and Social Care Integration: Policy and Practice

Research Methods in Demography

Hilary: Art, Museums, Wellbeing & Ageing

Fertility and Development


Trinity: Fertility and Education

Hilary: Fertility: Driver of Demographic Change

Michaelmas: Demography, Agriculture & Food


Trinity: Population, Ethnicity and Migration

Hilary: Poverty, Class and Inequality in Older Populations

Michaelmas: Impact Of Population Change


Trinity: Work, Wellbeing and Retirement

Hilary: Intergenerational Justice: What do we owe to future generations?

Michaelmas: The Question of Gender within an Ageing Society


Trinity: Theology, Arts & Humanities

Hilary: Technology and Ageing

Michaelmas: Economics of Ageing


Trinity: Home and Place in an Ageing World

Hilary: Ageing & Ethnic Diversity

Michaelmas: Ageing from a Medical Perspective


Trinity: Seminar Programme

Hilary: Ageing in Asia

Michaelmas: Pension Reform and the Economics of Ageing


Hilary: Ageing Workforces

Michaelmas: Economic Analysis of Morbidity: causes, trends and implications


Trinity: Seminar Series

Hilary: Implications of Population Ageing in Central and Eastern Europe

Michaelmas: Health and Social Surveys


Trinity: Seminar Series

Hilary: The Sociology of Ageing

Michaelmas: Research into Ageing at Oxford


Trinity: Seminar Series

Hilary: Health and Social Care for Ageing Populations

Michaelmas: Seminars


Michaelmas: Seminar Series