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08 Mar 2012
Seminar: Dr Bernard Rachet, "Age and socio-economic inequalities in cancer survival"
01 Mar 2012
Seminar: Dr Elizabeth Breeze, "Health inequalities in the English longitudinal study of ageing"
16 Feb 2012
Seminar: Dr Philip Kreager, "Social stratification schemes and the older population of Indonesia"
09 Feb 2012
Seminar: Dr Nick Townsend, "Social inequalities in the burden of cardiovascular disease"
02 Feb 2012
Seminar: Dr Jose Manuel Roche, "Multidimensional poverty measurement: tailoring applications to context and age groups"
26 Jan 2012
Hilary Term 2012 Seminar Series: ‘Poverty, class and inequality in older populations’
26 Jan 2012
Seminar: Dr Chris Davies, "Class inequalities in health and social welfare affecting the elderly in Russia: Have they increased in the transition period?"
01 Dec 2011
Seminar: Dr Sadie Wearing, "Representations of ageing in literature and culture: affect, aesthetics and ethics"
24 Nov 2011
Seminar: Prof Sarah Harper, "Exploring the demographic transition in the 21st Century"
24 Nov 2011
Seminar: Dr Joanne Cook, "Intergenerational transmission and gender relations in African families post migration"
17 Nov 2011
Seminar: Dr Katherine Morris, "The age of beauty and the beauty of age. Age, gender and 'beauty practices'"
10 Nov 2011
Seminar: Dr Almudena Sevilla-Sanz, "Declining marriage and fertility rates in OECD countries: The role of men's home production"
03 Nov 2011
Seminar: Prof Julia Twigg, "Clothing and the embodiment of age"
27 Oct 2011
Seminar: Prof Emerita Ursula King, "Spirituality, ageing and gender"
20 Oct 2011
Seminar Series: "The question of gender within an ageing society"
20 Oct 2011
Seminar: Dr Sondra Hausner, "Gender, mobility and belonging: Nepali care workers in Great Britain"
16 Jun 2011
Oxford Institute of Population Ageing 10th Anniversary Celebrations
09 Jun 2011
Seminar: Professor Wendy Loretto, "Gendered Ageism: Older Women in Employment"
01 Jun 2011
Seminar: Sarah Harper, "Migration - a response to demographic change?"
10 Mar 2011
Seminar: Professor Geir Asheim, ‘Can generations be treated equally?’
03 Mar 2011
Seminar: Dr Ben Groom, 'Climate change investment – what is it worth for future generations?’
24 Feb 2011
Seminar: Dr Martin Weale, ‘Fiscal policy, fairness between generations, and national saving’
17 Feb 2011
Seminar: Professor Wolfgang Lutz, ‘Demographic balance and human capital from an intergenerational perspective’
10 Feb 2011
Seminar: Dr Simon Caney, 'Climate Change and Intergenerational Justice: What are our obligations to future generations?'
03 Feb 2011
Seminar: Professor Henry Shue, ‘A legacy of dangers: Climate failure and future generations’
27 Jan 2011
Seminar: Professor John O'Neill, ‘Sustainability: How can each generation live well within limits?’
20 Jan 2011
Seminar: Professor Peter Heller, ‘Is the fiscal crisis forcing a rethink of our intergenerational compact with the elderly?’
20 Jan 2011
Seminar Series: "Intergenerational Justice: What do we owe future generations?"
02 Dec 2010
Seminar: Dr Winnie Yip, "Wellbeing in Rural China: A Study Using the Day Reconstruction Method"
25 Nov 2010
Seminar: Dr Albert Park, "Relying on Whom? Analyzing How China's Elderly Finance Their Consumption"
18 Nov 2010
Seminar: Dr David McCarthy, "National Transfer Accounts: Concepts and first UK Estimates"
11 Nov 2010
Seminar: Dr Melanie Lührmann, "Durable purchases in Later life"
04 Nov 2010
Seminar: Professor Axel Boersch-Supan, "Intergenerational Cohesion and the Political Economy of Pension Reform"
28 Oct 2010
Seminar: Professor John Ermisch, "Population Ageing: Crisis or Opportunity"
21 Oct 2010
Seminar: Professor John Muellbauer, "Demography and the Household Saving Rate in Japan"
14 Oct 2010
Seminar: Dr Ramon Luengo-Fernandez, "Research expenditure on dementia, heart disease, stroke and cancer: Is the level of spending related to the burden of disease?"
14 Oct 2010
Seminar Series: Economics of Ageing
06 Oct 2010
'Ageing in Latin America': LARNA Conference, Mexico City
17 Jun 2010
Seminar: Dr Anders Sandberg, "Improvement of the Human Condition in our Ageing Society"
10 Jun 2010
Seminar: Professor Karen J. Leeder, "Figuring Lateness in Some Modern Poetry"
03 Jun 2010
Seminar: Jonathan Herring, "Dementia and Capacity: the legal problems"
27 May 2010
Seminar: Dr Debra Oxley, "Weighty Matters: Body mass, ageing, health and gender inequality in the 19th century"
20 May 2010
Seminar: Charles Foster, "The Elderly and the Morality of Euthanasia"
13 May 2010
Seminar: Dr Helen Small, "A Long Life: What does this mean?"
13 May 2010
Theological, Arts and Humanities Perspectives on Ageing
11 Mar 2010
Seminar: Dr Amanda Burls, "Think-Well - An experiment in citizens' epidemiology"
04 Mar 2010
Seminar: Dr Lauren Bailey, "Fixing the broken elderly - technological advances"
25 Feb 2010
Seminar: Paul Newman, "Robots now know where they are - what use is that?"
18 Feb 2010
Seminar: Professor Mark Taylor, "The National Institute of Health Research in Oxford"
11 Feb 2010
Seminar: Oliver Gibson, "Wireless monitoring of elderly patients in and out of hospital"
04 Feb 2010
Seminar: Dr Sue Ziebland, "Qualitative Research on Experiences of Health and Illness"
28 Jan 2010
Seminar: Dr Tanja Schneider, "Targeting healthy consumers: Functional foods in an ageing society"
28 Jan 2010
The Impact of Science & Technology on Ageing Societies
04 Dec 2009
Conference: Ageing Societies - Change, Challenge and Chance
03 Dec 2009
Seminar: Dr Lynne Cox, "Premature human ageing and what it can tell us about the molecular basis of normal human ageing"
26 Nov 2009
Seminar: Professor Peter Rothwell, "Vascular Disease in the Elderly: Under-diagnosed, Under-investigated and Under-treated"
19 Nov 2009
Seminar: Professor Margaret Esiri, "Dementia seen as a 21st century epidemic"
12 Nov 2009
Seminar: Dr Adam Darowski, "Falls in the Elderly - 'Humpty Dumpty in Later Life'"
05 Nov 2009
Seminar: Professor Tipu Aziz, "Neurosurgical Issues in an Ageing Population"
29 Oct 2009
Seminar: Professor Sir Andrew McMichael, "Pandemic Influenza"
22 Oct 2009
Seminar: Dr Bee Wee, "End of Life Issues"
22 Oct 2009
Ageing from a Medical Perspective
24 Sep 2009
Workshop: "Managing Together Understanding and Supporting Children, Young People and their Families when a Grandparent is affected by Dementia"
02 Jul 2009
2-day conference: "Ageing in Latin America: Developing the Research Agenda"
18 Jun 2009
Seminar: Professor Sheila Peace, "The Life Course Contribution to Person-environment Interaction in Old Age"
11 Jun 2009
Seminar: Mr Jaco Hoffman, "Institutional Housing for Older Persons in (South) Africa"
04 Jun 2009
Seminar: Professor John Ermisch, "Housing Adjustment in Later Life"
28 May 2009
Seminar: Dr George Leeson, "Later-life Homelessness in Denmark"
21 May 2009
Seminar: Professor Elizabeth Burton, "Neighbourhood Design and the Well-Being of Older People"
14 May 2009
Seminar: Dr Karen Croucher, "Housing Choice and Aspirations in Later Life: Expectations and Realities"
07 May 2009
Seminar: Dr Jo-Anne Bichard & Dr Rama Gheerawo, "Care of the ageing self in public and private"
07 May 2009
Home and Place in an Ageing World
19 Apr 2009
Ageing Institute Spring School 2009
07 Mar 2009
Conference: "An Ageing Society: Are we Prepared?"
22 Jan 2009
Ageing and Ethnic Diversity
04 Dec 2008
Seminar: Professor Philip Booth, "Ageing, Public Choice Economics and the Dwindling Prospects for Pension Reform"
27 Nov 2008
Seminar: Professor Gordon Clark, "Private Pensions and Individual Behaviour: Implications for UK Pension Policy"
20 Nov 2008
Seminar: Dr Martin Karlsson, "The Economics of Frailty: Disability and Long-Term Care Systems"
13 Nov 2008
Seminar: Dr Mahmoud Messkoub, "The Impact of Population Ageing on Aggregate Savings"
06 Nov 2008
Seminar: Professor E Phillips Davis, "Restrictions on Pension Fund Investment - a Cost Assessment"

Seminar Series



Health, Ageing and Longevity: exploring perspectives from across the University of Oxford


Ageing with a Disability



Caring communities: configuring local support for healthy ageing in place


Methodological Advances in Social and Health Care Research


Ageing Post Trauma



The Challenges Facing an Ageing Africa and Latin America in the 21st Century


Social Care: challenge, change and renewal for older people

EAST: Ageing during Covid-19 and beyond in Central and Eastern Europe


Future Perspectives on Ageing



Trinity: Perspectives on Global Ageing

HilaryPerspectives on Global Ageing

Michaelmas: Michaelmas 2020 Seminar Series


Hilary: The Construction of Ageing

Michaelmas: Older Women’s Health


Trinity: Qualitative & Quantitative Methods for Big Data: A journey through social, medical and natural sciences

Hilary: Ageing Populations: from Cell to Society

Michaelmas 20th Anniversary series: Science and Populism: from evidence to narrative

Michaelmas: Providing Health and Social Care for an Ageing Population: Challenges and Responses


Trinity 20th Anniversary series: Science and Populism: from evidence to narrative

Trinity: Leave No One Behind – Sustainable Development Goals, Ageing and Global Development

Hilary: Population Ageing in countries that have experienced war, revolution, and economic transition

Michaelmas: The Geopolitical Implications of Global Population Change


Trinity: Ageing, Wellbeing and Health

Hilary: Contemporary Medical Perspectives on Ageing

Michaelmas: Financial Planning For Later Life in the UK


Trinity: Navigating life in sub-Saharan Africa – adolescent socio-ecologies

Hilary: Family dynamics, health and ageing in contemporary China

Michaelmas: Narratives on Marriage and Co-Habitation


Trinity: Historical Demography - A Place in Modern Demography

Hilary: Norms, Values and Theories

Drivers and Consequences of Population Ageing in Central and Eastern Europe

Michaelmas: Care Practices: towards a re-casting of Ethics

Fertility, Reproductive Health and Women's Empowerment


Trinity: Health and Social Care Integration: Policy and Practice

Research Methods in Demography

Hilary: Art, Museums, Wellbeing & Ageing

Fertility and Development


Trinity: Fertility and Education

Hilary: Fertility: Driver of Demographic Change

Michaelmas: Demography, Agriculture & Food


Trinity: Population, Ethnicity and Migration

Hilary: Poverty, Class and Inequality in Older Populations

Michaelmas: Impact Of Population Change


Trinity: Work, Wellbeing and Retirement

Hilary: Intergenerational Justice: What do we owe to future generations?

Michaelmas: The Question of Gender within an Ageing Society


Trinity: Theology, Arts & Humanities

Hilary: Technology and Ageing

Michaelmas: Economics of Ageing


Trinity: Home and Place in an Ageing World

Hilary: Ageing & Ethnic Diversity

Michaelmas: Ageing from a Medical Perspective


Trinity: Seminar Programme

Hilary: Ageing in Asia

Michaelmas: Pension Reform and the Economics of Ageing


Hilary: Ageing Workforces

Michaelmas: Economic Analysis of Morbidity: causes, trends and implications


Trinity: Seminar Series

Hilary: Implications of Population Ageing in Central and Eastern Europe

Michaelmas: Health and Social Surveys


Trinity: Seminar Series

Hilary: The Sociology of Ageing

Michaelmas: Research into Ageing at Oxford


Trinity: Seminar Series

Hilary: Health and Social Care for Ageing Populations

Michaelmas: Seminars


Michaelmas: Seminar Series