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Fairness, Equality and Life Course Board Appointment
Professor Sarah Harper has been appointed to the new Fairness, Equality and the Life Course Board, chaired by Baroness Margaret Prosser of the Equality and Human Rights Commission
European Economic Forum sees population ageing as a success.
The European Economic Forum held in Andorra has identified population ageing as having real potential for society. Oxford's Professor Sarah Harper addressed the European Economic Forum in...
Strategic Forum for Research in Education 2008
Dr Alis Oancea was invited to act as Commentating Rapporteur on research quality at the first meeting of the Strategic Forum for Research in Education (Harrogate, UK, October 2008). The Forum is be...
Criteria-of-choice or criteria-in-use? Audit of quality criteria in education research commissioned by the ESRC/TLRP
Dr Alis Oancea has been commissioned by the ESRC/Teaching and Learning Research Programme to carry out an audit of criteria of research quality currently in use in a range of relevant contexts of r...
Migration will not solve Europe's ageing challenge
Migration will not solve Europe's ageing challenge, warned Oxford's Dr George Leeson, when he addressed the European Strategy Forum held in Portugal. While many may consider the migra...
House of Commons seminar: Social Implications of Demographic Ageing. July 2008 - by invitation only
Dr Evan Harris, MP, will act as host for a seminar on Thursday 3 July 2008, to be held at the House of Commons for the University of Oxford, concerning the social implications of demographic ageing...
Scandinavian Welfare Model: the contract between generations and sustainability in the 21st Century
The Oxford Institute of Ageing are holding a joint one-day workshop with the James Martin School of the 21st Century, 10.00 a.m. to 12.00 noon, on Friday 23 May 2008 at the Old Indian Institute, Br...
Research Committee on Sociology of Ageing (RC11)
Dr Andreas Hoff is Programme Coordinator for the forthcoming Research Committee on Sociology of Ageing (RC11), part of the International Sociological Association’...
Isolation of Older Men The number of male pensioners living on their own has soared to more than one million, with c...
Opportunities of Ageing Societies
In 20 years' time half the population will be over 50, bringing new challenges - but many benefits - to all Sarah Harper, Oxford Institute of Ageing So the UK is ageing. But the UK is no...
Grandparents in the middle
Times Report on Grandparents At the Oxford Institute of Ageing, several studies have been undertaken on the...
New knowledge on French Retirement
Despite having the highest total fertility rate, in Europe, the French are also looking at different ways of encouraging older people to stay on in work to address their dependency ratios, and Oxfo...
The new demographic timebomb | Sarah Harper
By the middle of the century, a majority of countries still enjoying the demographic dividend of youth will be in sub-Saharan Africa, UN figures show. Professor Sarah Harper comments on dem...