Recent News
Young Researcher Award | Suen Yiu Tung
The Institute is delighted to announce that Prof. Suen Yiu Tung, Assistant Professor of Gender Studies Programme has won the Young Researcher Award 2020-21 of The Chinese University of Hong Kong.&n...
South Korea's shrinking population | George Leeson
Dr George W Leeson was interviewed for Korean Arirang TV - In-depth News about the causes and consequences of the low levels of childbearing in South Korea. Arirang Broadcasting ...
Do China's 'one child generation' want more children? | George Leeson
Census results in the US and in China indicate that both countries are likely to start shrinking in population much sooner than they thought. China is under pressure to boost measures for c...
Asian Management Insights | New Issue Alert
An article by Professor Sarah Harper “Harnessing the Youth Bulge: How Asia can take advantage of its changing age composition” has been published in the seventh issue of Asian Managemen...
The Shaw Foundation Distinguished Faculty Lecture Series
Professor Sarah Harper delivered a public lecture at The Shaw Foundation Distinguished Faculty Lecture Series 2016 hosted by the Singapore Management University, School of Economics on 29 Nov...
New collaboration with the Institute for Population and Development Studies, Xi’an Jiaotong University
The Oxford Institute of Population Ageing has established a five year agreement with the Institute for Population and Development Studies, Xi’an Jiaotong University. The two institutions have...
SIPHC 2016 | Singapore
The 2nd Singapore International Public Health Conference and 11th Singapore Public Health and Occupational Medicine Conference 2016 (SIPHC 2016) Contemrorary Challenges, Sustainable Solutions ...
New Project: Dynamics of Japan’s ageing prison populations.
Exciting new 18 month project researching the 'Dynamics of Japan’s ageing prison populations', has been funded by the Great Britain Sasakawa Foundation. The Project team includes: ...
Exciting new collaborative agreement between The General Graduate School, CHA University, Republic of Korea and the Oxford Institute of Population Ageing.
Exciting new collaborative agreement between The General Graduate School, CHA University, Republic of Korea and the Oxford Institute of Population Ageing. The Institute are looking forward to...
Recent Blogs
The development of public health insurance schemes in China
Over the past two decades, the Chinese government has launched a series of reforms to improve the accessibility of healthcare services. This blog entry briefly surveys the history of the developmen...
Why didn’t the abolition of the One-Child Policy in China increase the fertility rate?
Responding to a dramatic decrease in the birth rate, the Chinese government announced on 31st May 2021 that couples would be permitted to have up to three children. This change follows the relaxati...
How age-friendly cities are paving the way for the future: the case of Akita City
The convergence of population ageing with urbanisation is one of the major global mega-trends that will shape societies and communities in the 21st century. Thanks to the rapid advance of new techn...