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Has the Bauhaus aged well?

The 100th anniversary of the founding of the Bauhaus – the legendary German design school widely acknowledged to be the fountainhead of modern design and architecture – is currently bei...


I get excited when I hear about empowering stories involving older people or meet young people who genuinely see older people in a non-trivial way and free from ageist stereotypes. It is particular...

A new set of life expectancy projections

NHS England estimates that in 2016 16% of all deaths in England were attributable to smoking.  This is the Population Attributable Fraction (PAF) of mortality for smoking. A similar PAF estima...


Rejoice, my fellow Italians! We should celebrate. It was announced two weeks ago that our lives as  plain “adults” - without age qualification - are longer than we had thought and ...

Why all the fuss about declining fertility?

Should we be encouraging young women to have more children? This was the question I was being asked recently by journalists from media around the globe, from BBC News to the Voice of Islam. The sud...

The happiness of the caregivers

Increased longevity is one of the most remarkable success stories in human history. However, it leads to several challenges. One of them is the rise in the number of older people in need of long-te...


I want to talk about the ‘I’ generation. This is the leading edge of the Baby Boomers, who have defined the Western world for the past 50+ years. Influential, based on their numbers alo...

The Longevity Forum

It's been a long time since I attended a conference where I found myself looking forward to every panel discussion. But that was precisely the feeling I had this past Monday, when I attended th...

Ageing Canadians: AGE-WELL & Canadian Association on Gerontology Annual Scientific Meeting Recap

Canada is unique in having a relatively small and very geographically diverse population of older adults. Ageing Canadians do, however, benefit from several dedicated groups of gerontologists, nota...

FLEX: the quality required from housing for older people

At a time when young people are struggling to get a foot on the housing ladder and there is a fierce debate going on about intergenerational fairness and finding a place to live, it is hard to make...

Killer heatwave

“Air conditioning heating up election campaign....Almost all of the deaths were of elderly people, almost of whom were living in places without air conditioning (A/C)” This headline ...

Older people’s campaigning comes of age

Earlier this year I wrote about the movement that has built up calling on the United Nations to pass a Convention on the rights of older people. In this 70th anniversary year of the Universal Decla...

Intergenerational social experiences on TV

Inspired by a TV show broadcast in the UK - “Old People’s Home for 4 Year Olds” - Spain broadcasters have followed suit in making use of TV to disseminate good practices for inter...

The art of living with dementia

Dementia is one of the most feared diseases in our age. Most research is on how to combat the rise of dementia. In a Dutch project I am involved in, we rather try to understand what it means to liv...

Some comments on the pensions debate in Eastern Europe

Protests against raising the pension age have been shaking Russia this summer, with more expected in September, despite President Putin’s firm announcement that the increase is inevitable. Th...