Professor George Leeson
Professorial Fellow
M.A. (Oxon), M.Sc. (Oxon), PhD (Copenhagen), Fellow of the Adelphi Genetics Forum, Senior Research Fellow, Kellogg College
+44 (0) 1865 612808
Professor George Leeson is Visiting Professor of Demography at the University of Guanajuato-Leon in Mexico and a Professorial Fellow at the Institute of Population Ageing, where he co-ordinates the Latin American Research Network on Ageing (LARNA) and the Central and Eastern European Research Network on Ageing (EAST). Professor Leeson’s first degree was in Mathematics, followed by a Masters in Applied Statistics, both from Oxford. His Doctoral work was in Demography, firstly at the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine and then at the University of Copenhagen, where he worked as an Associate Professor at the Institute of Statistics, University of Copenhagen, before returning to Oxford.
George’s main research interests are in the socio-demographic aspects of ageing populations, covering both demographic modelling of population development and the analysis of national and international data sets. He directed the Danish Longitudinal Future Study, which elucidates the attitudes and aspirations of future generations of older people in Denmark, and he is Principal Investigator with Professor Sarah Harper on the Global Ageing Study, a survey of 44,000 men and women aged 40 to 80 in 24 countries.
George’s current research includes the demographic inequalities of global ageing, the changing populations of Europe and Latin America, migration and migrants in Europe, causes and consequences of depopulation in Central and Eastern Europe, and future prospects for longevity.
Recent professional commitments
Professor Leeson has been demographic expert to address the impact of demographic developments on issues relating to food safety and nutrition at the European Commission, Health and Consumers Directorate-General, DG-SANCO, Directorate E -Safety of the Food Chain to help develop a strategy for DG SANCO's policy and legislative framework to deliver on EU food safety and nutrition to 2050.
He has worked extensively with user groups, academics and providers across Europe in these areas of research, as Specialist Advisor to the Danish Government Commission on Ageing; Advisor to the Danish Government Programme on Older People and Technology; International advisor to British Government initiative Better Government for Older People. Professor Leeson was the demographic change expert working on the European Commission's independent evaluation of innovative measures under Article 6 of the ESF Regulation: innovative approaches to the management of change.
Professor Leeson is a member of Public Health England’s Expert Advisory Group on Productive Healthy Ageing & Dementia, and a consultant researcher on the DAI@Oxford Programme.
Professor Leeson is co-editor of the Journal of Population Ageing and Population Horizons.
Links to publicly accessible reports; academic publications available on request.
- Resilient leadership in the tourism industry
- Volunteering and Depression among Older Adults: An Empirical Analysis Based on CLASS 2018
- Age Discrimination and older workers: is self-employment a response to ageism
- Do Health Information Sources Influence Health Literacy among Older Adults: A Cross-Sectional Study in the Urban Areas of Western China
- The demography of super survivors in England & Wales
- Internet Addiction of Older Women and Its Relationship With Social Influence and Social Networks Use as a Mediator
- The dynamics of grandfathers: A comparative analysis of Mexican and Spanish society
- The market power of older travellers and how they are portrayed: a practical approach to an increasing market segment
- Um estudo de caso sobre o papel de bisavó no Brasil
- PARO as a Biofeedback Medical Device for Mental Health in the COVID-19 Era
- Resilience of Tourism Employees
- Global Ageing: Ensuring a Resilient Future
- Gastronomic tourism and the senior foodies market
- Sense of Community Mediating Between Age-Friendly Characteristics and Life Satisfaction of Community-Dwelling Older Adults
- Changing Consumer Values and Shopping Behaviour in India
- Senior Tourism and Customer Experience: Links and Opportunities
- Generational bonds between grandparents and adolescent grandchildren
- Aging Well.
- Achieving Replacement-Level Fertility
- Editorial: Global Demographic Change and the Case of Low Fertility
- Senior Foodies: A developing niche market in gastronomic tourism
- Senior Travellers: an Emerging Market Segment in Gastronomy Tourism
- The Impact of Private Sector Provision of Home-Based Services for Older People in Beijing
- The ageing and de-institutionalisation of death—Evidence from England and Wales
- Cartografias do envelhecimento em contexto rural: notas sobre raca/etnia, genero, classe e escolaridade
- The demography of super survivors in England and Wales
- MENA: the demography of youth, the demography of ageing
- An analysis of the effect of the use of the internet and social support on depression among urban elderly:Evidence from three cities in West China
- Como la poblacion transformara nuestro mundo
- The Ageing of Myanmar’s Farmer Population
- Living to 100 years and beyond: Drivers and implications
- Global demographic change and grandparenthood
- Senior tourism: An emerging and attractive market segment for destinations
- Age discriminating advertising in Germany: Is this an issue? Basic statistical analysis of complaints to the “Deutsche Werberat"
- Realizing the Potentials of Ageing
- Book review - Race, Place and the Seaside – postcards from the edge
- Global Ageing
- Leisure Travelling and its Link to an Active and Healthy Ageing
- Senior Tourism: Towards and Active and Healthy Ageing
- Do State Pensions Crowd Out Private Transfers? A Semiparametric Analysis in Urban China
- Out of the Shadows: Are Grandfathers Defining Their Own Roles in the Modern Family in Denmark?
- The impact of mortality development on the number of centenarians in England and Wales
- Increasing longevity and family dynamics in Latin America
- Living arrangements and intergenerational monetary transfer of older Chinese
- Foresight Trends | Future of an Ageing Population
- Familial solidarity and orientation and life enjoyment in later life in urban areas of Malaysia, the Philippines and Singapore
- Environment, Health and Ageing, in Environmental Gerontology in Europe and Latin America – Policies and Perspectives on Environment and Aging
- Elderly Users’ Perspective on the Use of Technology in Daily Life: A Comparative Study of a sample in the UK and Brazil
- Turkish Migration, Identity and Integration
- Retirement in Japan and Korea. The past, the present and the future of mandatory retirement
- Grandfatherhood: Shifting Masculinities in Later Life
- International Handbook on Ageing and Public Policy
- Future prospects for longevity
- Increasing Longevity and the New Demography of Death
- Becoming a grandfather is life’s dessert. A study of the role of grandfathers in the modern family in Denmark
- Achieving Replacement Level Fertility
- Achieving replacement level fertility | World Resources Institute
- Variations in grandchildren’s perceptions of their grandfathers and grandmothers: Dynamics of age and gender
- Attitudes towards bearing the cost of care in later life across the world
- Levels of welfarism and intergenerational transfers within the family: evidence from the Global Ageing Survey (GLAS)
- The demographics of ageing in Latin America, the Caribbean and the Iberian Peninsula, 1950-2050
- Migration as a policy response to population ageing – Public sector governance of emerging risks
- Inequalities in access to education: failing to provide skills-building and empowerment to girls
- Migration as a driver of demographic development
- Grandparenting in Europe
- Attitudes Towards Bearing the Cost of Care in Later Life: Evidence from the HSBC Global Ageing Study on the Future of Retirement
- The effect of self-rated-health (SRH) on the quality of life (QoL) of older adults across the world: evidence from a global ageing survey “The future of retirement”.
- 209: Age and gender differences in grandchildren's relations with their maternal grandfathers and grandmothers
- Future Ageing in Southeast Asia: Demographic Trends, Human Capital and Health Status
- 408: Individual Good, Public Bad or Societal Syndrome? A Cross-Country Study of Income Inequality and Health
- The Future of Retirement
- Redefining Retirement in the Light of Increasing Retirement
- GLAS Research Reports: Some descriptive findings from the Global Ageing Survey (GLAS). Investing in Later Life
- Introducing the Journal of Population Ageing
- The Future of Retirement, 2007
- GLAS Research Reports: Ageing and later life. Hong Kong and Asia
- GLAS Research Reports: Ageing and later life. The Americas
- GLAS Research Reports: Ageing and later life. United Kingdom and Europe
- Future of Retirement: The New Old Age. HSBC Global Ageing Survey
- The Future of Retirement, 2006
- Ageing Horizons Issue 5, 2006: Ageing workforces
- GLAS Research Reports: Attitudes to ageing and later life
- The Status Quo of Foreign Workers in the Health and Social Care Sector in the UK, Germany and the Netherlands
- 204 : Cost effectiveness and Interventions
- 304 : The Demographics and Economics of UK Health and Social Care for Older Adults
- Foreign Workers in the Health and Social Care Sector in the United Kingdom.