Institute News
Richard Suzman | Director of NIA's Division of Behavioral and Social Research passes away at age 72
The Institute is very saddened to learn that Dr. Richard Suzman, Director of NIA's Division of Behavioral and Social Research has died. Richard was a tremendous supporter of the Ins...
Dr Tina Weber | The BMBF new appointment
Dr Tina Weber, a former visiting research fellow at the Oxford Institute of Population Ageing will now start working for the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) within the field of ag...
The Art of Ageing | George Leeson’s keynote address at the 1st European theatre and science festival
Dr George Leeson gave a keynote address at the at the European Theatre Convention (ETC) International theatre conference and Art of Ageing 1st European theatre and science festival at Teatrul Natio...
Sarah Harper and Kenneth Howse at the International Seminar on the Active Ageing Index | Brussels, 16-17 April 2015
An International Seminar “Building an evidence base for active ageing policies: Active Ageing Index and its potential” is dedicated to the studies focusing on how to achieve better outc...
Wedding Announcement | Dr Kate Hamblin
The Institute would like to extend our warmest congratulation to Kate Hamblin (Senior Research Fellow) and Aaron Sleep on their recent marriage.
The new demography of death | George Leeson on the OECD Insights blog
The changing composition of the demography of death is explored by Dr George Leeson in today’s post on the OECD Insights blog. More than half of the almost 370,000 deaths in England and Wales...
Sarah Harper will join the debate – ‘Taxing Times: Our Ageing Society’ hosted by the Common Sense Collective.
Sarah Harper will join the debate – ‘Taxing Times: Our Ageing Society’ hosted by the Common Sense Collective. As the post-war baby boom generation reaches its seventies this decad...
Dr George Leeson appointed Visiting Professor of Demography at the University of Guanajuato, Mexico
Dr George Leeson has been appointed Visiting Professor of Demography at the University of Guanajuato - Leon, Mexico George Leeson coordinates LARNA, the Latin American Research Networ...
Rhodes Scholarship awarded to Collen visiting student Sarah Westwood
Sarah Westwood, former Institute visitor, has been awarded a Rhodes Scholarship to cover her Masters degree in Education at Oxford. Sarah, a visiting student from Cape Town University (South Africa...
Conference Announcement: V International Gerontology Colloquium, University of Malaga
The V International Gerontology Colloquium will focus on Ageing and Socio-demographic effects in the context of family changes. Speakers will include George Leeson, director of the Latin American N...
Institute delegation attends ISA World Congress of Sociology, Yokohama, Japan
A delegation from the Oxford Institute of Population Ageing attended the XVIII ISA World Congress of Sociology in Yokohama, Japan from the 13th to the 19th of July. Dr Jaco Hoffmann presented a ...
Oxford London Lecture 2012: The 21st Century – the last century of youth?
Oxford London Lecture 2012: The 21st Century – the Last Century of Youth? Professor Sarah Harper, Director o...
Ageing workforce and occupational therapy | George Leeson, Royal College of Physicians, London
In a keynote presentation at the Annual Scientific Meeting of the Faculty of Occupational Medicine, Dr George Leeson addressed the ageing of the British workforce and the challenges this...
Dynamics of Population Development | George Leeson, University of Guanajuato, Mexico
A course on the 'Dynamics of Population Development', is being held by Dr George Leeson at the University of Guanajuato, Mexico 20-27 February 2014. The training is part of the re...
‘Fertility Transition in Africa’: Final call for bursaries applications and abstract submissions
Please note the upcoming deadlines for bursary applications and abstract submissions to our Fertility Conference and Demography Spring School. Due to generous support of the Life Scien...