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Ageing Horizons

Ageing Horizons was published between 2004 and 2010. It was a review of analysis and research on policy futures in an ageing society. It also served as a thematic resource for abstracts, news, commentary, and debate on the policy issues that are likely to arise in the medium term as a result of population ageing.

Edited by Kenneth Howse

Ageing Horizons Brief: Ageing emerging economies in Eastern Europe and Central Asia

Emerging market economies in Eastern Europe and Central Asia have been growing rapidly over the last decade. Thanks to untapped natural resources, cheap labour, and the rising prosperity of a large army of consumers, some of these countries are attracting increasing international investment. 

Ageing emerging economies in Eastern Europe and Central Asia (PDF, 343 KB)

Ageing Horizons Brief: Ageing workforces

The workforces of different countries round the world vary considerably in their demographic characteristics. There are some countries, for example, in which only a minority of children can expect to survive to official retirement age; and relatively high mortality in middle age makes for a relatively young workforce. 

Ageing workforces (PDF, 335 KB)

Ageing Horizons Brief: Fertility decline: trends, drivers and differences

If life expectancy increases and fertility remains constant, the age structure of the population changes: a greater proportion of the population falls into the older age groups. 

Fertility decline (PDF, 359 KB)

Ageing Horizons Brief: Long-term care for older people

In the end of the 18th century, Thomas Malthus maintained “the power of population is indefinitely greater than the power in the earth to produce subsistence for man” (Malthus, 1798). 

Long-term care for older people (PDF, 435 KB)