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Tourette’s Syndrome, Stigma, and Society’s Jests

Malli, M.; Forrester-Jones, R. (2025) Tourette’s Syndrome, Stigma, and Society’s Jests. Springer Nature Sustainable Development Goals Series, Palgrave Macmillan

Handbook of Tourism and Consumer Behaviour

Handbook of Tourism and Consumer Behavior (2024) Edited by Danni Zheng,  Metin Kozak,  Kadir Has University, Turkey and Jun Wen. Edward Elgar Publishing, ISBN: 978 1 03530 979 5 Extent: 318 pp




Latin American Research Network in Ageing

Editors: Alejandro Klein, George Leeson

This book contains chapters in English and Spanish


The book was reviewed by academic peers under the double-blind system (Peer Review).

Reproduction by any means is prohibited without the consent of the copyright holder.

The political, social and environmental aspects of individual and population ageing (PDF, 2.06 MB)

Family Ties and Psychosocial Processes in an Ageing Society

Klein, A. (2024) Family Ties and Psychosocial Processes in an Ageing Society. Comparative Perspectives. 

Part of the book series: International Perspectives on Aging (Int. Perspect. Aging, volume 42)

Baby boomers and sustainable tourism

Patterson, I., & Balderas-Cejudo, A. (2023). Baby boomers and sustainable tourism. Routledge Handbook of Trends and Issues in Tourism Sustainability, Planning and Development, Management, and Technology.


Engaging Guests in the Sustainability Experience: Leading question: How can hotels engage guests in sustainability endeavours and experiences

BALDERAS-CEJUDO, Adela; LÓPEZ, Belén. Engaging Guests in the Sustainability Experience: Leading question: How can hotels engage guests in sustainability endeavours and experiences? En Critical Questions in Sustainability and Hospitality. Routledge, 2023. p. 265-275


Alejandro Klein &  George Leeson (Eds.) (2023) AGEING IN LATIN AMERICA AND THE CARIBBEAN: CRITICAL APPROACHES AND PRACTICAL SOLUTIONS. LARNA, Oxford Institute of Population Ageing.


Age-Inclusive ICT Innovation for Service Delivery in South Africa

Roos, V. & Hoffman, J. (Eds) (2022) Age-Inclusive ICT Innovation for Service Delivery in South Africa. 1est Ed, Springer.

Opening up the Debate on the Aging Society Preliminary Hypotheses for a Possible Mutational and Post-mutationary Society

Klein, A. (2022) Opening up the Debate on the Aging Society: Preliminary Hypotheses for a Possible Mutational and Post-mutationary Society. Part of the book series: International Perspectives on Aging (Int. Perspect. Aging, volume 34)

Reinventing your leadership : 12 keys to manage teams

Balderas Cejudo, A(2021). Reinventa tu liderazgo: 12 claves para gestionar equipos. ESIC Editorial.


Resilience and Aging

Wister, A. & Cosco, T.D., Eds. (2021). Resilience and Aging. Cham, CH: Springer Publishing Company.


The Oxford Handbook of Positive Psychology (3rd edn)

The Oxford Handbook of Positive Psychology (3rd edn)  Edited by C. R. Snyder, Shane J. Lopez, Lisa M. Edwards, and Susana C. Marques

DOI: 10.1093/oxfordhb/9780199396511.001.0001

Global Ageing: Ensuring a Resilient Future

Sarah Harper and George Leeson (forthcoming) Global Ageing: Ensuring a Resilient Future .

University of Oxford

Publication Date: 2022

The Ethics of Care: The State of the Art

The Ethics of Care: The State of the Art. (Series: Ethics of Care, 8)  2020. Peeters Publishers, Leuven

Edited by Frans Vosman (University of Humanistics, Utrecht, The Netherlands), Andries Baart, University of Utrecht, The Netherlands / North-West University, South Africa), Jaco Hoffman (Optentia Research Focus Area, North-West University, South Africa / Oxford Institute of Population Ageing, University of Oxford, UK)

Intergenerational Contact Zones

Kaplan, M., Thang, L., Sanchez, M. & Hoffman, J. (Eds) (2020) Intergenerational Contact Zones: Place-based Strategies for Promoting Social Inclusion and Belonging. Routledge 


Senior Tourism: Determinants, motivations and behavior in a globalized and evolving market segment

Balderas Cejudo, Adela  (2018) Senior Tourism: Determinants, motivations and behavior in a globalized and evolving market segment. Esic Editorial . ISBN 978-84-17513-51-1.

Happiness and Society

 Park, S-M. (2018) Happiness and Society. Seoul: Korea University Press.


Demography: A Very Short Introduction

Harper, S. (2018) Demography: A Very Short Introduction. Oxford: Oxford University Press.

Urban Chinese Daughters: Navigating new roles, status and filial obligation in a transitioning culture

O’Neill, P. (2018) URBAN CHINESE DAUGHTERS: Navigating new roles, status and filial obligation in a transitioning culture. St. Antony's Series, Palgrave Macmillan.

Global Ageing

Harper, S. & Leeson, G. (forthcoming) Global Ageing. Edward Elgar, Cheltenham, UK.

Population, Technological and Environmental Change

Harper, S. (forthcoming) Population Technological  and Environmental Change.  Cambridge  University Press.

Critical Readings on Ageing in Southeast Asia (2 vols)

Edited by Sarah Harper

The 21st Century will be both the century of Asia and of ageing. And the two trends will coalesce in Southeast Asia over the coming decades. Old age in most parts of Southeast Asia is still predominantly defined by frailty and dependency, and less by structured retirement, though this is changing. As a result the two main concerns are health and care, still predominantly carried out by families, and economic support, only a small proportion of which is in the form of a pension. The region will need to ensure new policies, institutions, governance and economic structures to enable the transition of the region to maturity. However, as the papers in this collection reveal, there is a growing research base already, which will be essential to the process of adapting to the ageing of Southeast Asia.

Traiectorii familiale. Romania in context European.

Cornelia Muresan & Ionut Földes (eds) (2016) Traiectorii familiale. Romania in context European. Cluj-Napoca : Presa Universitara Clujeana, ISBN: 978-606-37-0033-0, 331p.

Larna Argentina 2014 : Seminario Diversidad cultural y envejecimiento : la familia y la comunidad

Larna Argentina 2014 : Seminario Diversidad cultural y envejecimiento : la familia y la comunidad / Ricardo Iacub ... [et al.] ; compilado por Ricardo Iacub. - 1a ed compendiada. - Ciudad Autónoma de Buenos Aires : Ricardo Iacub, 2016.

Larna Argentina 2014 : Seminario Diversidad cultural y envejecimiento : la familia y la comunidad (PDF, 4.21 MB)

Gefängnisse und Zwangsarbeit auf der japanischen Nordinsel Hokkaido [Prisons and Forced Labour on Japan’s northern island Hokkaido]

Jolliffe, P.M. (2015) Gefängnisse und Zwangsarbeit auf der japanischen Nordinsel Hokkaido  [Prisons and Forced Labour on Japan’s northern island Hokkaido]. Vienna: LIT Verlag.

How Population Change Will Transform Our World

Harper. S. (2016). How Population Change Will Transform Our World.  Oxford University Press.   ISBN: 9780198784098

Published: 28 July 2016

Learning, Migration and Intergenerational Relations: The Karen and the Gift of Education

Jolliffe, P.M. (2016) Learning, Migration and Intergenerational Relations: The Karen and the Gift of Education.  Palgrave Macmillan UK

Retirement in Japan and Korea. The past, the present and the future of mandatory retirement

George Leeson and Hafiz Khan discuss mandatory retirement in the recently released book 'Retirement in Japan and Korea. The past, the present and the future of mandatory retirement', Edited by Masa Higo and Thomas Klassen.

The book looks at retirement issues in Japan and South Korea in an era of population ageing, and at future policy implications. 


Further information:

Medical Anthropology in Europe: Shaping the Field

Hsu, Elisabeth and Potter, Caroline (eds). (2015) Medical Anthropology in Europe: Shaping the Field. London and New York: Routledge.

Research Methods for Business and Social Science Students

J. Adams, Hafiz T.A. Khan & R. Raeside (2013) Research Methods for Business and Social Science Students.  London: Sage Publishers, 2nd Edition.

Critical Readings on Ageing in East Asia

Edited by Sarah Harper

East Asia has seen the ageing of its population this century. Over the past decade both birth and death rates have fallen and all East Asian countries now have below replacement level fertility and their populations are living longer.
As a result all countries in the region are now introducing pension and long term care systems. This collection draws together key papers written since 2000 which consider the ageing of China, Hong Kong, Korea, Taiwan and Japan.

International Handbook on Ageing and Public Policy

The International Handbook on Ageing and Public Policy explores the challenges arising from the ageing of populations across the globe for government, policy makers, the private sector and civil society. It examines various national state approaches to welfare provisions for older people, and highlights alternatives based around the voluntary and third-party sector, families and private initiatives.

Is the Planet Full?

'Is the planet full?' edited by Ian Goldin (Oxford Martin School) presents contributions by ten leading authors examining the impacts of population and economic growth. Includes a contribution by Sarah Harper.

Active Ageing in the European Union - Policy Convergence and Divergence

Kate A. Hamblin

'Active Ageing in the European Union' explores the adoption of 'active ageing' policies by EU15 nations and the impact on older peoples' work and retirement policy options. 

Citizenship, Belonging and Intergenerational Relations in African Migration

Edited by Claudine Attias-Donfut, Joanne Cook, Jaco Hoffman and Louise Waite 

This book introduces research conducted in Britain, France and South Africa exploring the migration experiences of African families across two generations.

Ageing in Asia

Roger Goodman ed., Sarah Harper ed., (2008). Ageing in Asia: Asia's position in the new global demography. London: Routledge.

Ageing Societies: Myths, Challenges and Opportunities

Sarah Harper (2006) Ageing Societies: Myths, Challenges and Opportunities. Hodder Arnold, London.

The Status Quo of Foreign Workers in the Health and Social Care Sector in the UK, Germany and the Netherlands

Leeson, G. & Harper, S. (2006) The Status Quo of Foreign Workers in the Health and Social Care Sector in the UK, Germany and the Netherlands. Japan National Council of Social Welfare, Tokyo,ISBN4-9903255-0-8.

Families in Ageing Societies: A Multi-Disciplinary Approach

Sarah Harper, Ed (2004) Families in Ageing Societies: A Multi-Disciplinary Approach. Oxford University Press.

Critical Approaches to Ageing and Later Life

Jamieson A., Harper S., Victor C., editors (1997) Critical Approaches to Ageing and Later Life. Buckingham, UK: Open University Press

The Greening of Rural Policy

Sarah Harper, editor (1993)The Greening of Rural Policy . Belhaven Press, London (Wiley, Chichester).