Population Horizons (2015-2018)
Population Horizons was published between 2015 and 2018. Below is a list of papers and their abstracts.

Population Horizons Volume 15, Issue 2, 2018
Harper, S . (2018) Population pressure in African countries will not be alleviated by family planning programmes alone. Population Horizons , 15(2): 37-40
Mothering at a distance and disclosure of maternal HIV to children in Kingston, Jamaica (PDF, 130 KB)
What is the association between IPV and Fertility in Uganda? (PDF, 213 KB)
Population pressure in African countries will not be alleviated by family planning programmes alone (PDF, 85 KB)
Missing men, missing infertility: The enactment of sex/gender in surveys in low- and middle-income countries (PDF, 566 KB)

Population Horizons Volume 15, Issue 1, 2018
Leeson, G. (2019) Editorial: Global Demographic Change and the Case of Low Fertility. Population Horizons, 15(1) DOI:
Comment on the paper Changes in the Demand for Children between 2003 and 2014 in Nigeria by Stella Babalola, Joshua O. Akinyemi, and Clifford O. Odimegwu (PDF, 83 KB)
A comment on the state of research into women’s empowerment and family planning (PDF, 84 KB)
Changes in demand for children between 2003 and 2013 in Nigeria: Evidence from survey data (PDF, 144 KB)
Potentials for demographic dividend and rapid economic growth in Mali: What policy scenario would yield the greatest dividend? (PDF, 210 KB)
Editorial: Global Demographic Change and the Case of Low Fertility (PDF, 100 KB)

Population Horizons Volume 14, Issue 2, 2017
Leeson, G.W. (2018) Editrorial - MENA: the demography of youth, the demography of ageing. Population Horizons, 14(2):35-38.
Population ageing and inter-generational relations in the MENA: what role for social policy? (PDF, 204 KB)
Editorial _ MENA: the demography of youth, the demography of ageing (PDF, 96 KB)
Ageing in the Middle East and North Africa: A Contemporary Perspective (PDF, 114 KB)
Demographic and Social Change in the Middle East and North Africa: Processes, Spatial Patterns, and Outcomes (PDF, 338 KB)
Ageing and health in the Arab region: Challenges, opportunities and the way forward (PDF, 209 KB)
Comment on the paper Ageing in the Middle East and North Africa: A Contemporary Perspective by Jamie P. Halsall and Ian G. Cook (PDF, 61 KB)
Factsheet: Ageing in the Middle East and North Africa (PDF, 485 KB)

Population Horizons Volume 14, Issue 1, 2017
Contraceptive Decision-Making in Developing Countries (PDF, 139 KB)
Letter to the Editor relating to the paper Young married women’s perspectives on the motivation and dynamics for their husbands’ opposition to their modern contraceptive use in Malawi by Benjamin Kaneka and Akim J. Mturi (PDF, 49 KB)
Comment on the paper Young married women’s perspectives on the motivation and dynamics for their husbands’ opposition to their modern contraceptive use in Malawi by Benjamin Kaneka and Akim J. Mturi (PDF, 55 KB)
Comment on the paper The Role of Public Population Institutions on Fertility Outcomes in Sub-Saharan Africa by John F. May (PDF, 67 KB)
Family and fertility: does kin help influence women’s fertility, and how does this vary worldwide? (PDF, 161 KB)
Young Married Women’s Perceptions On The Maeanings And Motivations For Their Husbands’ Opposition To Their Modern Contraceptive Use In Malawi (PDF, 110 KB)
The Role of Public Population Institutions on Fertility Outcomes in Sub-Saharan Africa (PDF, 106 KB)

Population Horizons Volume 13, Issue 2, 2016
- Hoffman, J. (2016) Status and role of families in ageing populations: interdependencies.Population Horizons, 13(2): 41-42.
Comment on the paper "Grandmothers migrating, working and caring: Latvian women between survival and self-realisation" (PDF, 60 KB)
Status and role of families in ageing populations: interdependencies. (PDF, 77 KB)
Grandmothers migrating, working and caring: Latvian women between survival and self-realisation (PDF, 132 KB)
How demographic patterns and social policies shape interdependence among lives in the family realm (PDF, 131 KB)
Comment on the paper “How demographic patterns and social policies shape interdependence among lives in the family realm” (PDF, 68 KB)
Factsheet: Household Living Arrangements of Older People (PDF, 139 KB)
Grandchildren as Support and Care Providers to Disabled Older Adults in China (PDF, 153 KB)

Population Horizons Volume 13, Issue 1, 2016
Howse, K. (2017) Revisionism in the Rationale for Population Policies. Population Horizons 13 (1), 1-8.
Factsheet: Total Fertility Rate Trends and Figures for Sub-Saharan Africa (PDF, 413 KB)
Comment on the paper “Population Policy Adoption in Sub-Saharan Africa: An Interplay of Global and Local Forces” by Rachel Sullivan Robinson (PDF, 63 KB)
Fertility, Marriage, and Family Planning in Iran: Implications for Future Policy (PDF, 176 KB)
Implementation of the Population Policy of Ethiopia: Achievements and Challenges (PDF, 167 KB)
Population Policy Adoption in Sub-Saharan Africa: An Interplay of Global and Local Forces (PDF, 432 KB)
Revisionism in the Rationale for Population Policies (PDF, 103 KB)

Population Horizons Volume 12, Issue 2, 2015
Mark Gorman (2015) Editorial: Translating research into policy and practice – barriers and opportunities in an ageing world. Population Horizons 12(2): 47–49.
What is preventing India from developing an inclusive national framework for older people? (PDF, 133 KB)
Translating research into policy and practice – barriers and opportunities in an ageing world (PDF, 64 KB)
Adjusting to population ageing: evidence for policy action (PDF, 149 KB)
Barriers to linking research and policy: the case of long-term care in low and middle income countries (PDF, 97 KB)
900 million and counting: Epidemiologic data for demographic and policy transitions (PDF, 142 KB)
Comment on the paper “Ageing Policies in Asia and the Pacific” by Alexandre Sidorenko (PDF, 68 KB)
Population Ageing and the Need for Research on Ageing: Correcting a Misconception (PDF, 79 KB)
Hypertension in adults over 50 in SAGE Countries (PDF, 245 KB)

Population Horizons Volume 12, Issue 1, 2015
Harper, S. (2015) Analysing and debating the complex and contested questions raised by 21st century population change. Population Horizons, Vol 12, Issue 1, Pages 1-2.
Total Fertility Rate Trends and Figures for Sub-Saharan Africa - Factsheet (PDF, 155 KB)
Comment on the paper “Experiences of Young Motherhood and Youth in Mexico: Medical Discourses and the Definition of Women as ‘Too Young to Care”’ by Abril Saldaña-Tejeda (PDF, 85 KB)
Experiences of Young Motherhood and Youth in Mexico: Medical Discourses and the Definition of Women as ‘Too Young to Care’ (PDF, 116 KB)
Son Preference, Parity Progression and Contraceptive Use in South Asia (PDF, 283 KB)
What is fertility stalling and why does it matter? (PDF, 127 KB)
Accelerating Fertility Decline in Sub-Saharan Africa (PDF, 395 KB)
Analysing and debating the complex and contested questions raised by 21st century population change (PDF, 67 KB)
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