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Population Horizons Volume 12, Issue 2, 2015

Category: Population Horizons Archive (2015-2018)

Mark Gorman (2015) Editorial: Translating research into policy and practice – barriers and opportunities in an ageing world. Population Horizons 12(2): 47–49.

Translating research into policy and practice – barriers and opportunities in an ageing world (PDF, 64 KB)

Mark Gorman (2015) Translating research into policy and practice – barriers and opportunities in an ageing world. Population Horizons 12(2): 47–49

Language: en

Adjusting to population ageing: evidence for policy action (PDF, 149 KB)

Alexandre Sidorenko. Adjusting to population ageing: evidence for policy action. Population Horizons 2015; 12(2): 50–61

Language: en

Barriers to linking research and policy: the case of long-term care in low and middle income countries (PDF, 97 KB)

Peter Lloyd-Sherlock. Barriers to linking research and policy: the case of long-term care in low and middle income countries.Population Horizons 2015; 12(2): 62–67

Language: en

900 million and counting: Epidemiologic data for demographic and policy transitions (PDF, 142 KB)

Paul Kowal, Julie E. Byles. 900 million and counting: Epidemiologic data for demographic and policy transitions. Population Horizons 2015; 12(2): 68–76

Language: en

What is preventing India from developing an inclusive national framework for older people? (PDF, 133 KB)

Penny Vera-Sanso. What is preventing India from developing an inclusive national framework for older people? Population Horizons 2015; 12(2): 77–87

Language: en

Comment on the paper “Ageing Policies in Asia and the Pacific” by Alexandre Sidorenko (PDF, 68 KB)

Silvia Stefanoni and Camilla Williamson. Comment on the paper “Ageing Policies in Asia and the Pacific” by Alexandre Sidorenko. Population Horizons 2015; 12(2): S.1 – S.3

Language: en

Population Ageing and the Need for Research on Ageing: Correcting a Misconception (PDF, 79 KB)

John Knodel and Bussarawan Teerawichitchainan. Population Ageing and the Need for Research on Ageing: Correcting a Misconception. Population Horizons 2015; 12(2): S.4 – S.6

Language: en

Hypertension in adults over 50 in SAGE Countries (PDF, 245 KB)

Hypertension in adults over 50 in SAGE Countries. Population Horizons Factsheet II. (2015) Vol.12 Issue 2

Language: en