Book Chapters
Disability, Comedy, and the Multifaceted Discourse
Malli, M.A. (2024). Disability, Comedy, and the Multifaceted Discourse. In: Bennett, G., Goodall, E. (eds) The Palgrave Encyclopedia of Disability. Palgrave Macmillan, Cham.
Population ageing and the demographic deficit: exploring the second demographic dividend
Harper, S. & Zhang, Y. (2024) Chapter 2: Population ageing and the demographic deficit: exploring the second demographic dividend. Edited by Leichsenring, K. & Sidorenko, A.: ‘A Research Agenda for Ageing and Social Policy’, Edward Elgar publishing
Baby boomers and sustainable tourism: The need for a new research agenda
Patterson, I., & Balderas-Cejudo, A. (2024). Baby boomers and sustainable tourism: The need for a new research agenda. In Routledge Handbook of Trends and Issues in Tourism Sustainability, Planning and Development, Management, and Technology (pp. 55-68). Routledge.
Resilient leadership in the tourism industry
Balderas-Cejudo, A., Buenechea-Elberdin, M., Baniandrés, J., & Leeson, G. W. (2023). Resilient leadership in the tourism industry. In Routledge Handbook of Trends and Issues in Tourism Sustainability, Planning and Development, Management, and Technology (pp. 210-219). Routledge.
The market power of older travellers and how they are portrayed: a practical approach to an increasing market segment
Balderas-Cejudo, A.., & Leeson, G. W. (2022). Capítulo 7. The market power of older travellers and how they are portrayed: a practical approach to an increasing market segment. In La gestión turística del patrimonio: una visión multidisciplinar (p. 165). Aranzadi Thomson Reuters.
Um estudo de caso sobre o papel de bisavó no Brasil
Schuler, E., Leeson, G. W. & Dias, C. M. S. B. (2022). Um estudo de caso sobre o papel de bisavó no Brasil. In: R. M. M. Azambuja, E. P. Rabinovich & S. D. Neves, Envelhecimento e Avosidades. CRV, 79-90. ISBN: 978-65-251-2548-0. DOI: 10.24824/978652512548.0
Resilience of Tourism Employees
Balderas-Cejudo, A., & Leeson, G. W. (2022). Resilience of Tourism Employees. In Encyclopedia of Tourism Management and Marketing. Edward Elgar Publishing.
Culture as Animator of Intergenerational Gathering Places
Bob McNulty (2020) Culture as Animator of Intergenerational Gathering Places. In Kaplan, M., Thang, L., Sanchez, M. & Hoffman, J. (Eds) Intergenerational Contact Zones: Place-based Strategies for Promoting Social Inclusion and Belonging. Routledge.
Gastronomic tourism and the senior foodies market
Balderas-Cejudo M.A. and Leeson G.W. (2020). Gastronomic tourism and the senior foodies market In: Charis Galanakis (ed) Gastronomy and Food Science, 1st Edition.
Lay-person defined successful aging
Cosco, T.D. (2020). Lay-person defined successful aging. In D. Gu & M.E. Dupre (Eds.), Encyclopedia of Gerontology and Population Aging. Cham, CH: Springer Publishing Company.
Senior Tourism and Customer Experience: Links and Opportunities
Balderas-Cejudo M.A. and Leeson G.W. (2020). Senior Tourism and Customer Experience: Links and Opportunities. In: Saurabh Kumar Dixit (ed) The Routledge Handbook of Tourism Experience Management and Marketing. Routledge. 570-579.
Generational bonds between grandparents and adolescent grandchildren
LEESON, G., CARCAÑO, E. Y., KLEIN, A (2019) Vínculo generacional entre abuelos y nietos adolescentes: un campo de problemáticas a dilucidar especialmente en el caso de los grupos indígenas, pp. 261-272. En: Leyva, Oliva, Gallardo, Russo, Juan “Los jóvenes,¿ un mundo aparte? Educación, desempleo y violencia en el México contemporáneo” Ediciones y Gráficos Eón-México, ISBN-978-607-8559-92-3
Aging Well.
Balderas-Cejudo M.A., Patterson I., Leeson G.W. (2019) Aging Well. In: Gu D., Dupre M. (eds) Encyclopedia of Gerontology and Population Aging. Springer, Cham
Social work within governmental, social and cultural regimes
Shaw, I. and O’Neill, P. (2019) Social work within governmental, social and cultural regimes. In Shaw, I. and Ow, R. (Eds.) Asian Social Work: Professional Work in National Contexts. Routledge.
Extreme Ageing
Harper, S. (2019) Extreme Ageing. In Needham, D. & Weitzdörfer, J. (Eds.) Extremes. Cambridge University Press. Part of Darwin College Lectures
Senior Travellers: an Emerging Market Segment in Gastronomy Tourism
Balderas- Cejudo, A., Patterson, I and Leeson, G. (2019) Senior Travellers: an Emerging Market Segment in Gastronomy Tourism In Routledge Handbook of Gastronomy Tourism (Dixit, S. Eds), Routledge.
Beauty in motion: collective creativity in contemporary dance
Potter, Caroline M. (2018) Beauty in motion: collective creativity in contemporary dance. In Anthropology and Beauty: from Aesthetics to Creativity, ed. Stephanie Bunn, p. 248-261. London: Routledge.
Family Trajectories and Life Satisfaction: The Swiss Case
Wernli B., Zella S. (2018) Family Trajectories and Life Satisfaction: The Swiss Case. In: Tillmann R., Voorpostel M., Farago P. (eds) Social Dynamics in Swiss Society. Life Course Research and Social Policies, vol 9. Springer, Cham.
Stories of intimacy and sexuality in later life: Solo women speak
Lambert, N., Hafford-Letchfield, T., Khan, H., Brady, D., Long, E. and Clark, L. (2018) "Stories of intimacy and sexuality in later life: Solo women speak" in Dunk-West, P. and Hafford-Letchfield, T. (Eds) Sexuality, Sexual and Gender Identities and Intimacy Research in Social Work and Social Care A Lifecourse Epistemology. Routledge, Publisher, February.
Single women living alone in later life: a short review
Khan, H., Hafford-Letchfield, T. and Lambert, N. (2018) Single women living alone in later life: a short review. Chapter 10 in Dunk-West, P. and Hafford-Letchfield, T. (Eds) Sexuality, Sexual and Gender Identities and Intimacy Research in Social Work and Social Care A Lifecourse Epistemology. Routledge, Publisher, February.
How Retirement Is Financed in the East and West
Hafiz T. A. Khan (2017) How Retirement Is Financed in the East and West. In Matt Flynn , Yuxin Li , Anthony Chiva (ed.) Managing the Ageing Workforce in the East and the West (The Changing Context of Managing People, Volume ) Emerald Publishing Limited, pp.83 - 110. ISBN: 978-1-78714-639-6
The Silver segment: a case study on how to adapt marketing strategies to segmentation opportunities in the hospitality industry
Adela Balderas – Cejudo and Olga Rivera-Hernaez (2017) “The Silver segment: a case study on how to adapt marketing strategies to segmentation opportunities in the hospitality industry” in Gursoy, D. (Ed) The Routledge Handbook of Hospitality Marketing.
Senior Tourism and Hospitality Industry: Challenges and Opportunities for improving the Customer Experience of an evolving market segments
Balderas-Cejudo, A; Urdaneta, E. (2017) Senior Tourism and Hospitality Industry: Challenges and Opportunities for improving the Customer Experience of an evolving market segments. Proceedings 7 Advances In Hospitality and Tourism Marketing and Management Conference. 10-15 July. Famagusta, North Cyprus ISBN 978-0-9964244-2-4
Allongement de la vie et transformations des familles : implications pour les politiques publiques.
Harper, S. (2017) Allongement de la vie et transformations des familles : implications pour les politiques publiques. Le cas du Royaume-Uni. Dans : Anne-Marie Guillemard éd., Allongement de la vie: Quels défis ? Quelles politiques ? (pp. 79-99). Paris: La Découverte.
Population Ageing in South-East Asia
Harper. S. (2016) Population Ageing in South-East Asia, in Harper S. (ed) Critical Readings on Ageing in Southeast Asia (2 vols). Brill.
Russia’s Changing Economic and Military Relations with Europe and Asia from Cold War to the Ukraine Conflict: The Impacts of Power Balances, Partnerships, and Economic Warfare
Davis, C. (2017) Russia’s Changing Economic and Military Relations with Europe and Asia from Cold War to the Ukraine Conflict: The Impacts of Power Balances, Partnerships, and Economic Warfar. In Studies in Comprehensive Regional Strategies Collected Papers (International edition) 16-15. Korea Institute for International Economic Policy.
Russia’s Changing Economic and Military Relations with Europe and Asia from Cold War to the Ukraine Conflict: The Impacts of Power Balances, Partnerships, and Economic Warfare (PDF, 1.28 MB)
Health Security
Park, S-M. (2017) “Health Security” in Joseph, P. (Ed) The Sage Encyclopedia of War: Social Science Perspectives, Thousand Oaks: Sage Publication, pp. 779-782.
Intergenerational Gatherings Among the Water and Willows
O’Neill, P. (2016) Intergenerational Gatherings Among the Water and Willows (2016). In M. Kaplan, L.L. Thang, M. Sanchez & Hoffman, J., (Eds.) Intergenerational Contact Zones-A Compendium of Applications. Penn State Intergenerational Program.
Out of the Shadows: Are Grandfathers Defining Their Own Roles in the Modern Family in Denmark?
Leeson, G. W. (2016) Out of the Shadows: Are Grandfathers Defining Their Own Roles in the Modern Family in Denmark? in Grandfathers: Global Perspectives (Eds. Buchanan, A. & Rotkirch, A.) pp 69-88. Palgrave Macmillan Studies in Family and Intimate Life
Ageing in Sub-Saharan Africa: Spaces and Practices of Care
Hoffman, J. and Pype, K. (eds.) (2016) Ageing in Sub-Saharan Africa: Spaces and Practices of Care. ‘Ageing in a Global Context Series’, Policy Press. Series Editors: Chris Phillipson (University of Manchester, UK), Toni Calasanti (Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, USA) and Thomas Scharf (NUI Galway, Ireland) (Forthcoming)
Increasing longevity and family dynamics in Latin America
Leeson, G.W. (2016) Increasing longevity and family dynamics in Latin America in Larna Argentina 2014 : Seminario Diversidad cultural y envejecimiento : la familia y la comunidad (eds. Ricardo Iacub et al) Ciudad Autónoma de Buenos Aires,, pp. 304-329, ISBN 978-987-42-1283-2.
Increasing longevity and family dynamics in Latin America (PDF, 4.21 MB)
Spatial microsimulation for agent-based models.
Založnik, M. (2016) Spatial microsimulation for agent-based models. In: Lovelace, R. and Dumont, M., Spatial Microsimulation with R. pp.207-241. Chapman and Hall/CRC Press.
Spatial microsimulation for agent-based models (PDF, 729 KB)
Environment, Health and Ageing, in Environmental Gerontology in Europe and Latin America – Policies and Perspectives on Environment and Aging
Leeson. G.W., (2016) Environment, Health and Ageing, in Environmental Gerontology in Europe and Latin America – Policies and Perspectives on Environment and Aging (eds. Diego Sanchez-Gonzales & Vicente Rodriguez-Rodriguez), pp. 93-104, Springer International Publishing, Switzerland, 2016.
Turkish Migration, Identity and Integration
Leeson, G., Yaylagul, N.K. and Yazici, S. (2015) 'Turkish refugees and their use of health and social services in London' in Turkish Migration, Identity and Integration (eds. Ibrahim Sirkeci, Betül Dilara ?eker and Ali Ça?lar), Transnational Press London, 2015.
Migration and Ageing Societies
Harper, S (2014) Migration and Ageing Societies. In: Harper. S and Hamblin. K (eds.). International Handbook of Ageing and Public Policy. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar.
Conceptualising Social Policy for the Twenty-first-century Demography.
Harper, S (2014), Conceptualising Social Policy for the Twenty-first-century Demography. In: Harper. S and Hamblin. K (eds.). International Handbook of Ageing and Public Policy. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar.
Population Ageing in East Asia
Harper, S. (2014) Population Ageing in East Asia, in Harper, S. (ed) Critical Readings on Ageing in East Asia. Brill.
Health and Social care Integration: Policy and Practice
Hixon, L. (2014) Health and Social care Integration: Policy and Practice. In: J. L. Fernandez and C. Gori (eds.). Long-term care reforms in OECD countries: successes and failures. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, in press
Introduction: Critical Readings Projects on Ageing in East Asia
Harper, S, and Nanitashvili, N. (2014) Introduction. In: Critical Readings Projects on Ageing in East Asia. Netherlands: Brill.
Families, Older Persons and Care in contexts of Poverty: the Case of South Africa
Hoffman, J. (2014) Families, Older Persons and Care in contexts of Poverty: the Case of South Africa. In: Harper. S and Hamblin. K(eds.). International Handbook of Ageing and Public Policy.Cheltenham: Edward Elgar.
Policy and practitioner responses to the challenges of population ageing: Introduction
Hoffman, J. (2014) Policy and practitioner responses to the challenges of population ageing: Introduction. In: Harper. S and Hamblin. K(eds.). International Handbook of Ageing and Public Policy.Cheltenham: Edward Elgar.
Research Methods for Business and Social Science Students
Adams, J., Khan, H. and Raeside, R. (2014) Research Methods for Business and Social Science Students. 2nd ed., London: Sage Publishers.
Becoming a grandfather is life’s dessert. A study of the role of grandfathers in the modern family in Denmark
Leeson, G. (2014) 'Becoming a grandfather is life’s dessert. A study of the role of grandfathers in the modern family in Denmark' in Identidades, Vinculos y Transmision Generacional (eds. Alejandro Klein, Ana Maria Chavez Hernandez, Luis Fernando Macias Garcia & Carmen Rea), Manantial, Buenos Aires, 2014.
Levels of welfarism and intergenerational transfers within the family: evidence from the Global Ageing Survey (GLAS)
Leeson, G and Khan, H. (2013) Levels of welfarism and intergenerational transfers within the family: evidence from the Global Ageing Survey (GLAS). In: McDaniel. S A and Zimmer. Z. Global Ageing in the Twenty-First Century – Challenges, Opportunities and Implications. Burlington: Ashgate, 291-308.
Demographic and Environmental Transitions
Harper, S. (2013) ‘Demographic and Environmental Transitions,’ in Goldin, I. (ed) in Is the Planet Full? Oxford University Press.
Identity and Demographic Change
Harper, S. (2013) ‘Identity and Demographic Change.’ Review commissioned as part of the UK Government’s Foresight Project, Changing Identities.
The demographics of ageing in Latin America, the Caribbean and the Iberian Peninsula, 1950-2050
Leeson, G. (2013) The demographics of ageing in Latin America, the Caribbean and the Iberian Peninsula, 1950-2050. In: Montes de Oca (V). Envejecimiento –en America Latina y elCaribe. Mexico: UNAM, 53-71.
Falling Fertility, Ageing and Europe’s Demographic Deficit
Harper, S. (2013). Falling Fertility, Ageing and Europe’s Demographic Deficit. In: Buchanan, A. and Rotkirch, A., Eds.Fertility Rates and Population Decline.Basingstoke, Palgrave Macmillan
Implications of 20th Century policy models for 21st Century demography
Harper, S. (2013) ‘Implications of 20th century policy models for 21st Century demography’, in Torp, C. (Ed) Ageing in the Twentieth Century, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Childbearing in adolescents aged 12–15 years in low resource countries: a neglected issue. New estimates from demographic and household surveys in 42 countries
Neal, S., Z Matthews, M Frost, H Fogstad, AV Camacho, L Laski (2012) “Childbearing in adolescents aged 12–15 years in low resource countries: a neglected issue. New estimates from demographic and household surveys in 42 countries” Acta obstetricia et gynecologica Scandinavica 91 (9), 1114-1118.
Making culture through dance
Potter, Caroline. (2012) Making culture through dance. In Dancing Cultures: Globalization, Tourism and Identity in the Anthropology of Dance, eds. Hélène Neveu Kringelbach and Jonathan Skinner, Oxford: Berghahn
Sociology of normal ageing
Harper, S. (2012-02). Sociology of normal ageing. In Gelder, M. et al (Ed.), New Oxford Textbook of Psychiatry. Oxford, UK: Oxford University Press.
Intergenerational Solidarity and Life Satisfaction of Older People in Contemporary South Korea
Park, S-M. (2012) Intergenerational Solidarity and Life Satisfaction of Older People in Contemporary South Korea in Kapferer, E., Koch, A., Clemens, S. (Ed) The Logics of Change, Poverty, Place, Identity, and Social Transformation Mechanisms. Newcastle upon Tyne: Cambridge Scholars Publishing, pp.199-233.
Age structural change and the demographic transition
Harper, S. (2012) ‘Age structural change and the demographic transition.’ In Lutz, W. (ed.) Mature Societies. Austrian Academy of Science.
Migration as a policy response to population ageing – Public sector governance of emerging risks
Leeson, G. (2012) Migration as a policy response to population ageing – Public sector governance of emerging risks. International Risk Governance Council (IRGC), Lausanne.
Understanding African Migration: Intergenerational Relations, Citizenship and Belonging in a Comparative Context
Hoffman, J. Attias-Donfut, C., Cook, J. & (2012) Understanding African Migration: Intergenerational Relations, Citizenship and Belonging in a Comparative Context. In: Attias-Donfut, C., Cook, J., Hoffman, J. & Waite, L. (Eds.). Citizenship, Belonging and Intergenerational Relations in African Migration. Basingstoke, UK: Palgrave Macmillan.
Introduction: Citizenship, Belonging and Intergenerational Relations in African Migration
Hoffman, J. & Cook, J. & (2012) Introduction: Citizenship, Belonging and Intergenerational Relations in African Migration. In: Attias-Donfut, C., Cook, J., Hoffman, J. & Waite, L. (Eds). Citizenship, Belonging and Intergenerational Relations in African Migration. Basingstoke, UK: Palgrave Macmillan.
Country Monographs: Post-Apartheid South Africa
Hoffman, J. Kalule-Sabiti, I., Mbenga, B., Amoateng, Y. & (2012) Country Monographs: Post-Apartheid South Africa. In: Attias-Donfut, C., Cook, J., Hoffman, J. & Waite, L. (Eds.). Citizenship, Belonging and Intergenerational Relations in African Migration. Basingstoke, UK: Palgrave Macmillan.
Health and well-being in older workers: Capacity change with age
Harper, S. (2011) Health and well-being in older workers: Capacity change with age, in Parry, E. and Tyson, S. (Eds) Managing an Age-Diverse Workforce. Palgrave Macmillan.
The effect of self-rated-health (SRH) on the quality of life (QoL) of older adults across the world: evidence from a global ageing survey “The future of retirement”.
Khan, Hafiz T.A. and Leeson. George W. (2010) The effect of self-rated-health (SRH) on the quality of life (QoL) of older adults across the world: evidence from a global ageing survey “The future of retirement. In: Proceedings of the ICCS-X: Tenth Islamic Countries Conference on Statistical Sciences. Volume 1: Statistics for development and good governance. American University in Cairo, pp. 45-69.
Productive ageing: what do we know?
Harper, S. (2009) Productive ageing: what do we know? In Bedell, G. and Young, R. (Eds) The New Old Age. London: Nesta.
Future Ageing in Southeast Asia: Demographic Trends, Human Capital and Health Status
Wolfgang Lutz, Samir K.C., Hafiz T.A. Khan, Sergei Scherbov and George Leeson (2009) Future Ageing in Southeast Asia: Demographic Trends, Human Capital and Health Status in: Older Persons in Southeast Asia. edited by Evi Arifin and Aris Ananta, Publisher: Institute of Southeast Asian Studies, Singapore.
Population Ageing in Bangladesh: Trends and Challenges
Hafiz T.A. Khan (2009) Population Ageing in Bangladesh: Trends and Challenges, in: Aging in Asia, edited by Jason L. Powell and Ian G. Cook. Publisher: Nova Publishers New York.
Harper, S. & La Fontaine, J. (2008) 'Ethnography' in Neale, J. (ed.) Research methods for Health and Social Care. Palgrave, Basingstoke
The Impact of the out-migration of female care workers on informal family care in Nigeria and Bulgaria
Harper, S., Aboderin, I., & Ruchieva, I. (2008) The Impact of the outmigration of female care workers on informal family care in Nigeria and Bulgaria, in Connell, J. (Ed.) The Inernational Migration of Health Workers , 163-71. New York and London: Routledge .
Working in Later Life: from yesterday’s “older worker” to tomorrow’s “key talent
Harper, S. (2008) 'Working in Later Life: from yesterday’s “older worker” to tomorrow’s “key talent' in Chivas, A. (ed.) Older workers in Europe . Open University/McGraw Hill.
Sociological Approaches to Age and Ageing
Harper, S. (2008) 'Sociological Approaches to Age and Ageing' in Jacoby, R. et al (Eds.) Oxford Textbook of Old Age Psychiatry. Oxford University Press.
Sleeping as a Refuge? Embodied Vulnerability and Corporeal Security during Refugees' Sleep at the Thai-Burma Border
Vogler, P.M, (2008) “Sleeping as a Refuge? Embodied Vulnerability and Corporeal Security during Refugees' Sleep at the Thai-Burma Border” , in L. Brunt and B. Steger (edS) Worlds of Sleep, Berlin: Frank and Timme 193- 210.
The ageing of family life transitions.
Harper, S. (2006). The ageing of family life transitions. In J. A. VincentC. Phillipson & M. Downs (Eds.), The futures of old age (pp. 164-171). London: SAGE Publications Ltd.
Understanding Grandparenthood
Harper, S. (2005) Understanding Grandparenthood. In Johnson M., Bengtson V., Coleman P., and Kirkwood T. (eds.) The Cambridge Handbook of Age and Ageing, pp 422-428. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
The Puzzle of Retirement and Early Retirement
Harper, S., & Laslett, P. (2005-02-17). The Puzzle of Retirement and Early Retirement. In Anthony F. Heath, John Ermisch, and Duncan Gallie (Ed.), Understanding Social Change.: British Academy.
The implications of ageing societies
Harper, S. (2004) The implications of ageing societies. In Oberg, B. (ed) Changing worlds and the ageing subject: Dimensions in the study of ageing and later life. Aldine de Gruyter Press.
The Health and Welfare of African – American Older Women living in Chicago
Harper, S. (2000) The Health and Welfare of African – American Older Women living in Chicago. In Ledwith, S. and Woods, R. (eds), Women in the City.: Visibility and Voice in Urban Space, pp19-34. Palgrave Macmillan UK .
Constructing later life, constructing the body some thoughts from feminist theory
Harper, S. (1997) Constructing later life, constructing the body some thoughts from feminist theory. In Jamieson, A. et al (eds) Critical approaches to Ageing and Later Life, 160-172. Open University Press.
Contesting later life
Harper, S. (1997) Contesting later life. In Cloke, P. and Little, J. (eds), Contested Countryside Cultures, 180-196. Routledge: London.
The greening of rural discourse
Harper, S. (1993) The greening of rural discourse. In Harper, S. (ed) The Greening of Rural Policy: perspectives from the developed world. Wiley: Chichester 1-21.
Ageing in rural society
Harper, S. & Laws, G. (1992) Ageing in rural society. In Bowler, I. and Mellis, D. (eds) Rural restructuring . Vol 2 CAP.
The people and culture of China
Harper, S. (1992) The people and culture of China. In Rodgers, A. (ed) People and Culture. Oxford: Equinox, Oxford, 212-217.
People moving to the countryside: case studies of decision making
Harper, S. (1991) People moving to the countryside: case studies of decision making. In Champion, A. and Watkins, C. (eds) People in the Countryside: studies of social change in rural Britain. London : P. Chapman Pub, 22-37.
The emergence and consolidation of the retirement tradition in post-war Britain.
Harper, S. (1990) The emergence and consolidation of the retirement tradition in post-war Britain. In: Bury, M. and McNicol, J. (Eds) Aspects of Ageing, pp. 12-29. London: RH Social Policy Papers 3.
Settlement, housing and population in the English rural-urban interface
Harper, S. (1989) Settlement, housing and population in the English rural-urban interface. In Reade, E., Current Issues in Local Government. Gavle National Swedish Institute for Building Research, 153-55.
The consolidation of old age as a phase of life (1945-65)
Harper, S. & Thane, P. (1989) The consolidation of old age as a phase of life (1945-65). In Jeffreys, M. (ed) Growing Old in 20th Century Britain Routledge, London, 43-61..
The impact of the retirement debate on post-war retirement trends.
Harper, S. (1989) The impact of the retirement debate on post-war retirement trends. In Gorst, A., Johnson, L. and Lucas, W.S. (eds) Post War Britain: themes and perspectives. Pinter: London, 95-108.
House types and village social form in the commuter belt of large conurbations
Harper, S. (1985) House types and village social form in the commuter belt of large conurbations. In Herrington J., Planning and Residential Change in Outer Metropolitan Areas. Loughborough University, 34-51.
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