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Older People’s Associations in East and Southeast Asia: A Four Country Study - Full report

Category: Research Reports APPRA - Asia-Pacific Research Network on Ageing

Oxford Institute of Population Ageing (2017) Older People’s Associations in East and Southeast Asia: A Four Country Study.

Research conducted by the University of Oxford (Oxford Institute of Population Ageing) with support from HelpAge International, World Health Organization Regional Office for the Western Pacific and Age International.

This report was written by Kenneth Howse, Lead Researcher for this study on older people’s associations in four countries. Most of the data collection, including interviews, was undertaken by field researchers working in each of the study countries:
• Dr Sok Thim in Cambodia
• Ms Verity Robins in China
• Dr Tha Pye Nyo and Ms Su Su Myat in Myanmar
• Ms Le Thi Dan Dung in Vietnam.

The research teams were supported in the field by HelpAge International country offices in Myanmar and Vietnam and HelpAge Network members–HelpAge Cambodia and Ageing China Development Centre in China. The data were collated and analysed in Oxford by Catherine Howse.