Recent News
AfOx Travel grant | Vhumani Magezi
Africa Oxford Initiative (AxOf) Travel grant recipient Prof Vhumani Magezi talks with collaborator Dr George Leeson. ►Watch the video: AfOx Travel grant - Vhumani Magezi AfOx Travel Gr...
Tax breaks for having more children | George Leeson
An article in Euronews on measures introduced by the Hungarian Prime Minister to boost his country’s birth rates quotes Dr George W Leeson. "Our levels of fertility rates have been lo...
Professor Vhumani Magezi | AfOx
The Institute welcomes Professor Vhumani Magezi, Academic Visitor at the Oxford Institute of Population Ageing from February 2019 to March 2019. Professor Magezi is a recipient of The Africa ...
Falling total fertility rate should be welcomed | Sarah Harper
In a recent article in The Guardian, Professor Sarah Harper discussed declining fertility rates around the world, warning that the focus on boosting populations was outdated and potentially ba...
Is low fertility good?
Professor Sarah Harper and Dr George W Leeson discussed changing fertility rates and the impact of a change in age of national and global populations in a series of interviews with media over the p...
NWU | South Africa visit
In September, Dr. George W. Leeson visited North West University in South Africa at the invitation of Dr. Jaco Hoffman, an active member of the Collen programme. During the visit, Dr. Leeson spoke ...
1st National Congress | Costa Rica
In August, Dr. George W. Leeson and Dr. Urbain Boutelegier attended the 1st National Congress organised by the Tejedores de Sueños Foundation in San Jose, Costa Rica. Attended by more than 5...
Professor Sarah Harper Honoured with CBE
The Institute is delighted to announce that the Institute's Founding Director, Professor Sarah Harper has been appointed Commander of the British Empire (CBE) for her services to the science of...
Ageing in the Commonwealth report launched on Commonwealth Day
We are delighted to announce that the Oxford Institute of Population Ageing research report “Ageing in the Commonwealth” commissioned by the Commonwealth Association for the Agein...
New Publication Alert
Son Preference and Family Limitation in Pakistan: A Parity- and Contraceptive Method–Specific Analysis by Dr Melanie Channon (Frost). Description: Son preference exerts a strong i...
Population Horizons | New Issue Alert
We are pleased to announce that issue 14(2) of Population Horizons is now complete and available online at Sciendo. Population Horizons is a forum for analysis and debate on the many complex and...
Future Foresight Forum 2017 | Clarification
An article in the Times of Oman reporting views of experts who have been invited speakers at the Future Foresight Forum, part of the Sultanate’s Oman Vision 2040, misinterpreted trends outlin...
International Population Conference 2017
The 2017 IUSSP International Population Conference took place in Cape Town, South Africa, 29 October- 04 November. The IUSSP International Population Conference is a major international ev...
British Society for Population Studies 2017 Conference – University of Liverpool
British Society for Population Studies 2017 Conference took place at the University of Liverpool 6-8 September. The fertility & reproductive health strand was organised by Dr Melanie Channon...
Population Horizons | New Issue Alert
We are pleased to announce that issue 14(1) of Population Horizons is now complete and available online at Sciendo. Population Horizons is a forum for analysis and debate on the many complex and...
WDA FORUM 2016 | Media Release
Media release St. Gallen, 1st of September 2016 10th WORLD DEMOGRAPHIC & AGEING FORUM Our Next World – Accelerate Action in Response St. Gallen / Switzerland August 29 - 31, 2016...
New collaboration between The Ministry of Women, Family and Community Development of Malaysia and the Oxford Institute of Population Ageing
A delegation from The Ministry of Women, Family and Community Development of Malaysia visited the Oxford Institute of Population Ageing on 18 May, 2016. We were very delighted to welcome the Malays...
Launch of new Institute Journal: Population Horizons
The Oxford Institute of Population Ageing is please to announce that the launch of the new journal Population Horizons. The first Issue is now available online at De Gruyter Open. Popul...
Will the Desired Family Size in sub-Saharan Africa Change?
A new article by Sarah Harper Will the Desired Family Size in sub-Saharan Africa Change? has been published on the front page of the Danish newspaper Kristeligt Dagblad, 28 November 2015...
Can the Planet Support 11 Billion People?
Scientific American online, 12/08/2015, Malavika Vyawahare, via ClimateWire Article about global population growth and its potential impact on the environment, food security and resource managem...
Can the planet sustain a growing population estimated to reach 10 billion people?
A panel of leading academics came together at the Oxford Martin School last week to discuss the problem of the world's growing population. The panel discussion, entitled 'Is the Planet...
World Population and Human Capital in the 21st Century | Panel Discussion with Wolfgang Lutz (IIASA)
The future of global development as well as the end of world population growth in the 21st century will crucially depend on further progress in education, particularly of girls. Almost universally,...
Rhodes Scholarship awarded to Collen visiting student Sarah Westwood
Sarah Westwood, former Institute visitor, has been awarded a Rhodes Scholarship to cover her Masters degree in Education at Oxford. Sarah, a visiting student from Cape Town University (South Africa...
Latest publications: Teaching and Learning in Ethiopia; Emerging Evidence of Sex Selective Abortion in Nepal
Latest publications from the Collen Programme team include two articles by Dr Melanie Frost on Education in Ethiopia and Sex Selective Abortion in Nepal: Frost, M.D. and Little, A., (2014) Ob...
How do sex ratios in China influence marriage decisions and intra-household resource allocation?
A new article by Dr Maria Porter on 'Review of Economics of the Household' examines how imbalanced sex ratios influence marriage decisions and household bargaining. Using data from the...
Video: Is the Planet Full? Ian Golding and Sarah Harper at the Oxford Literary Festival
'Can our planet continue to support a growing population estimated to reach 10 billion people by the middle of the century? Are there unexplored benefits in increasing numbers of people in the ...
Son preference and sex-selection: quantitative evidence and interpretation
Dr Sylvie Dubuc was an invited speaker at International Women’s Day 2014, University of Birmingham at the Conference ‘Faith, Culture, Gender and Violence’. Sylvie gave an overv...
‘Fertility Transition in Africa’: Final call for bursaries applications and abstract submissions
Please note the upcoming deadlines for bursary applications and abstract submissions to our Fertility Conference and Demography Spring School. Due to generous support of the Life Scien...
Increasing education of young girls will have a significant impact on future food demand
New research from Oxford University’s Collen Programme based at the Oxford Institute of Population Ageing has found that increasing education of young girls will have...
Designated Bursaries for 2013/14
The Oxford Institute of Population Ageing, University of Oxford, invites applicants with a research, policy and/or practice background to join its Collen Visitors’ Programme as part of the re...
4 million Euros for New Demography Programme on Fertility
The role of education and environment in changing the fertility decisions and behaviour of women in developing countries will form the basis of a new Demography Research Programme to be undertaken ...