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16 Nov 2018
Communicating robust science
08 Nov 2018
Untangling the Gordian Knot: in pursuit of person-centred, integrated care for ageing populations
06 Nov 2018
What’s the point of engaging the public in science and health research?
01 Nov 2018
Population ageing and implications for future end of life care provision
30 Oct 2018
Conflicting truths. How does government listen to scientists?
25 Oct 2018
Trends in emergency hospital admissions: age, cohort and period effects
18 Oct 2018
Good Care at Home for Older Adults in Singapore: Ethical, practical and policy dimensions
11 Oct 2018
Michaelmas 2018 Seminar Series: Providing Health and Social Care for an Ageing Population: Challenges and Responses
11 Oct 2018
Health economics of integrated care: another response to an ageing population
03 Sep 2018
EIT Health Active Ageing Oxford Summer School
22 Jun 2018
EAST Research Network Joint Workshop - ‘Silver Economy in Central and Eastern Europe’
14 Jun 2018
"Creating opportunities to think deeply about science" - Panel Discussion
14 Jun 2018
Child poverty and later livelihoods: SDGs and evidence from Young Lives
07 Jun 2018
Governments across Europe need to be more candid with their citizens
07 Jun 2018
Ageing and Age Disaggregated statistics: What, why and when?
31 May 2018
Stats and studies are not enough: how to gain people's trust in scientific authority
31 May 2018
SDGs and multidimensional poverty measurement: methodology and data challenges
24 May 2018
Putting science at the heart of society and culture - Panel Discussion
24 May 2018
Wrong inputs and wrong assumptions? Why governments must take ageing and older people into consideration to achieve the SDGs
22 May 2018
Age Inflation and Lifetiming. Rethinking and remeasuring ageing and inactivity in rejuvenating welfare societies
17 May 2018
Science on the front line: getting good quality evidence into the News
17 May 2018
Why is it important to end violence against children? SDG outcomes across the life-course
10 May 2018
The art of the possible
10 May 2018
Science and Populism: from evidence to narrative
10 May 2018
SDGs, Gender and Rights
03 May 2018
SDG 3: Healthy ageing and the need for long-term care systems
26 Apr 2018
Trinity 2018 Seminar Series: Leave No One Behind – Sustainable Development Goals, Ageing and Global Development
26 Apr 2018
Older people and the SDGs: strategies for visibility and inclusion
23 Apr 2018
2018 IARU Internship
08 Mar 2018
The Role of Population Policies in Addressing Ageing in the BRICS Countries
01 Mar 2018
Health, well-being and the growing challenge of chronic disease: the case of elderly Russians
22 Feb 2018
The Elderly in South Korea and North Korea During War and Peace, and Challenges Posed by Unification
01 Feb 2018
Ageing in Rural China: Migration and Care Circulation
25 Jan 2018
The Depopulation Dividend in Japan: The Impacts of Population Decline and Ageing on Society and the Environment
18 Jan 2018
Hilary Term 2018 Seminar Series: Population Ageing in countries that have experienced war, revolution, and economic transition
18 Jan 2018
International Comparison of the Impacts of War, Revolution, and Economic Transition on the Elderly: China, Japan, Korea (North and South), and Russia
30 Nov 2017
The next global volcanic catastrophe
23 Nov 2017
The Ageing of the Myanmar Farming population: awareness and expectations
16 Nov 2017
Climate change, agriculture and human health - Cancelled
09 Nov 2017
Novel prospects in malaria control
02 Nov 2017
Societal change or the scale of immigration? How the British press has influenced public concern about migration, 1997-2015
26 Oct 2017
Michaelmas Term 2017 Seminar Series: The Geopolitical Implications of Global Population Change
26 Oct 2017
Global population ageing: towards a rights based approach
26 Sep 2017
Emerging Researchers Conference “Demography, Ageing and Health”
22 Jun 2017
Joint workshop of the EAST Network “Growing Old in Central and Eastern Europe - The Challenges and the Opportunities” 22-24 June 2017
15 Jun 2017
Family, friends and well-being among older parents
08 Jun 2017
The impact of the transition to retirement on individuals’ emotions and well-being. Evidence from the Swiss context
01 Jun 2017
Constructing Age UK’s Index of Wellbeing in Later Life (“WILL”)
25 May 2017
Using MRI scans as measures of biological ageing – the Whitehall II (Stress and Health) MRI Substudy’
18 May 2017
Number of children, partnership status and later life depression in Eastern and Western Europe
11 May 2017
Extended working lives, inequality and well-being: evidence from the UK
08 May 2017
IPPF - Oxford Research Skills Training Workshop
04 May 2017
Subjective wellbeing and health at older ages: understanding the mechanisms
27 Apr 2017
Trinity Term 2017 Seminar Series: ‘Ageing, Wellbeing and Health’
27 Apr 2017
Brain ageing: using neuroimaging to understand risk for and resilience against dementia
09 Mar 2017
Imaging the Ageing Brain
02 Mar 2017
The Future of Medicine is Anti-Ageing Therapies
28 Feb 2017
Intersections of race and age(ing) at the twenty-first century English seaside
23 Feb 2017
Tapping the foundation of youth: exploiting stem cells and treatment of degenerative disease
16 Feb 2017
Major longevity drivers in the next 10 years: antibiotic resistance, metabolic syndrome and national health expenditure
14 Feb 2017
Sustainable Communities
09 Feb 2017
Effecting behaviour change in older adults through smartphone technology
07 Feb 2017
Hilary 2017 Public Lecture Series
07 Feb 2017
Ageing population and health care needs of older people in Sri Lanka
26 Jan 2017
Population ageing and brain health: the role of nutrition in mental resilience
19 Jan 2017
Hilary 2017 Seminar Series: ‘Contemporary Medical Perspectives on Ageing’
19 Jan 2017
The effects of heatwave on health of the ageing: climate change in the post-Trump era?
06 Dec 2016
2nd IAGG Africa Region conference
01 Dec 2016
Saving Behaviour, Expectations and Financial Hardship
24 Nov 2016
Optimal strategies to restore long-term sustainability of pension systems
17 Nov 2016
The timing of retirement – evidence on changing patterns of retirement in UK
10 Nov 2016
Is age a factor in financial exclusion? How the older old manage their daily finances in today's increasingly digital world
03 Nov 2016
Individual mortality expectations
27 Oct 2016
Post retirement labour supply in England
20 Oct 2016
Future of an Ageing Population
13 Oct 2016
Seminar Series ‘Financial Planning For Later Life in the UK’
13 Oct 2016
The shadow of the fourth age: older couples’ financial planning for social care and death
12 Oct 2016
Book Talk: Prof Sarah Harper talks about her latest book "How population change will transform our world"
04 Oct 2016
6th LARNA Conference: 'Policies, diversity and empowerment of the elderly in the current context’
16 Jun 2016
Seminar: 'Parenting of teenagers in Sub Saharan Africa, how it is understood and practiced - Learning from an extensive literature review and empirical study in South Africa'

Seminar Series



Health, Ageing and Longevity: exploring perspectives from across the University of Oxford


Ageing with a Disability



Caring communities: configuring local support for healthy ageing in place


Methodological Advances in Social and Health Care Research


Ageing Post Trauma



The Challenges Facing an Ageing Africa and Latin America in the 21st Century


Social Care: challenge, change and renewal for older people

EAST: Ageing during Covid-19 and beyond in Central and Eastern Europe


Future Perspectives on Ageing



Trinity: Perspectives on Global Ageing

HilaryPerspectives on Global Ageing

Michaelmas: Michaelmas 2020 Seminar Series


Hilary: The Construction of Ageing

Michaelmas: Older Women’s Health


Trinity: Qualitative & Quantitative Methods for Big Data: A journey through social, medical and natural sciences

Hilary: Ageing Populations: from Cell to Society

Michaelmas 20th Anniversary series: Science and Populism: from evidence to narrative

Michaelmas: Providing Health and Social Care for an Ageing Population: Challenges and Responses


Trinity 20th Anniversary series: Science and Populism: from evidence to narrative

Trinity: Leave No One Behind – Sustainable Development Goals, Ageing and Global Development

Hilary: Population Ageing in countries that have experienced war, revolution, and economic transition

Michaelmas: The Geopolitical Implications of Global Population Change


Trinity: Ageing, Wellbeing and Health

Hilary: Contemporary Medical Perspectives on Ageing

Michaelmas: Financial Planning For Later Life in the UK


Trinity: Navigating life in sub-Saharan Africa – adolescent socio-ecologies

Hilary: Family dynamics, health and ageing in contemporary China

Michaelmas: Narratives on Marriage and Co-Habitation


Trinity: Historical Demography - A Place in Modern Demography

Hilary: Norms, Values and Theories

Drivers and Consequences of Population Ageing in Central and Eastern Europe

Michaelmas: Care Practices: towards a re-casting of Ethics

Fertility, Reproductive Health and Women's Empowerment


Trinity: Health and Social Care Integration: Policy and Practice

Research Methods in Demography

Hilary: Art, Museums, Wellbeing & Ageing

Fertility and Development


Trinity: Fertility and Education

Hilary: Fertility: Driver of Demographic Change

Michaelmas: Demography, Agriculture & Food


Trinity: Population, Ethnicity and Migration

Hilary: Poverty, Class and Inequality in Older Populations

Michaelmas: Impact Of Population Change


Trinity: Work, Wellbeing and Retirement

Hilary: Intergenerational Justice: What do we owe to future generations?

Michaelmas: The Question of Gender within an Ageing Society


Trinity: Theology, Arts & Humanities

Hilary: Technology and Ageing

Michaelmas: Economics of Ageing


Trinity: Home and Place in an Ageing World

Hilary: Ageing & Ethnic Diversity

Michaelmas: Ageing from a Medical Perspective


Trinity: Seminar Programme

Hilary: Ageing in Asia

Michaelmas: Pension Reform and the Economics of Ageing


Hilary: Ageing Workforces

Michaelmas: Economic Analysis of Morbidity: causes, trends and implications


Trinity: Seminar Series

Hilary: Implications of Population Ageing in Central and Eastern Europe

Michaelmas: Health and Social Surveys


Trinity: Seminar Series

Hilary: The Sociology of Ageing

Michaelmas: Research into Ageing at Oxford


Trinity: Seminar Series

Hilary: Health and Social Care for Ageing Populations

Michaelmas: Seminars


Michaelmas: Seminar Series